Aurel's Forum Posts

  • Just a quick note:

    Happy end, thanks to the Kyatric post , I've been able to convert the project file to C2 163, and the node webkit export runs very smoothly again.

    Thanks, you just saved my PAX! : )

    EDIT: oh, new page. Let's not forget the last post, very useful tests were posted regarding the freezes!

  • You, Sir, made my night!

    Alright, let's play mad scientist now!

  • Thanks for the answer!

    That's my plan. But I'm supposed to leave some preview builds for press, too...

    I think I'm not using any recent new C2 features, is there a way to convert the project so I can roll-back at a previous C2/NodeWebkit version?

  • I was crossing my fingers really hard until now, reading all the topics related to the NodeWebkit freezes.

    ... and, here I am too : /

    I just exported my build for PAX, and the game is totally unplayable. It freezes like every 15 seconds, and freezes are at last 2 or 3 seconds long.

    I don't know what to do. I tried the replace the nodewebkit files with old ones, as adviced in other topics. But the game crashes at launch.

    I really have to find something in the next 2 days... any idea?

    The game is running at a rock solid 60fps in chrome, Freezes seem only related to NW.

    ( Sorry to use alerts, but I think I have to for this time: rogerwang, Ashley )

  • Hey, thanks Kyatric for the mention!

    sqiddster and me are already trying to help eachother for a few weeks now, so be sure I'll say hi to him on his Indie Mega/Mini booth : )

  • Back from Germany! That Gamescom was crazy, fun, exhausting, and lovely at the same time.

    So much super kind and helpful devs met on the IndieMegaBooth... : )

    About the ports:

    • You already know WiiU is officially supported by C2 : )

    (I got a Penelope version running without webGL, where some shaders effects are replaced by other nice ones, so it should be OK)

    Also, another studio (used to wiiU subs) will help me when the submission time will come.

    • I can't say much on the XboxOne port. I met Chris Carla (director of ID@Xbox) at Gamescom, and I'm trying to push things on this side.

    Please do not ask details to me or Ashley, nor hope too much, nothing is done yet, and I'm only TRYING to make things move forward.

    • Sony ports are nearly impossible, as HTML5 is very poorly supported by Vita and PS4 for now.

    What does it mean for Penelope?

    • Most of the greatest porting studios like Curve or Dotemu had a look at the problem, and they tag the port as "super, super hard".

    I would need to find A LOT of money to hire another studio, so they can rewrite everything using C, Gamemaker, Unity or anything else more Sony compliant.

    >>> no money for now, so, on hold.

    OR I would need to find some very crazy friends, with a hacking background, ready to try fancy experiences. Like using a tool called "Jurassic" to convert javascript to C#, then import it to the PS tools. That seems pretty complicated and hazardous to me, but they'll give it a try in a few weeks. From this, they will decide if they're ok to do the port on a revenue sharing basis.

    So, there is a bit of hope. But not that much. But still, a bit of hope : )

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  • Thndr That's very good news, thanks for the update!

  • Yep, from what I've been told, it's nearly impossible for now.

    Someone pointed me this tool ( to convert javascript to C#.

    The plan could be: import the converted code into the playstation tools, then work from that.

    To sum it up: sounds like a hell of a work., and absolutelty impossible if you don't have super strong code skills.

  • The PC game release is planned for late 2014 : )

    (WiiU early 2015, other ports still in negociation with other studios)

    Also, FRESH VIDEO FOOTAGE! Not a real trailer, I just made this as an "attract mode" to play on the Gamescom booth:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    (Some new elements in it, and more to come in the devlog #2 in a few weeks.)

  • PixelPaintbrush

    Thanks a lot! : )

    (hint hint: I just made pre-orders available on the game website two weeks ago)


    I'm in zombie mode right now thanks to the Gamescom build, but as soon as it's over, it will be a pleasure to asnwer any question you could have!

  • I don't know how to count the lines ^^! But let's say it's messy and way too big/complex for what it does. I'm sure a more experienced C2 user could shrink it to half. For example, due to all the particular settings and rules for each level, I got an evensheet by level + 12 more always included to handle win/lose conditions, AI, special FX, sound, worldmap, pause menu etc... Like I said, a real mess.

    And I know I will have to add a bit more of it, because some evensheets are really overloaded and make very difficult to find stuff in it, even with tons of comments and fancy ascii arrows.

    untune I'm only using the built-in car behavior, but with A LOT of additional settings on it. Sometimes it uses the car behavior, sometimes it doesn't at all. It really depends on what happens on screen. : )

    Scofano Yep, as soon as the Gamescom is over, I will produce the 2nd video devlog, and maybe open a classic text devlog thread on TIG.

  • You could try to make all your shadows 100% black, but on a special layer (like "Layer_Shadows). Then set this layer with a 30% opacity.

    I guess there are better ways, but I made some tests and it works well.

  • Thanks for the post. I wasn't aware of it, and I'm very glad to know.

    So, Linux export is broken, Mac export is broken... It really ***** : /

  • I don't know what to answer, that's really kind of you.

    I hope (and I'm pretty sure) you're happy with C2.

    Thanks a lot, I'm spending days and nights (and nights) on that Gamescom build right now, so this kind of message really gives me boost : )

  • > Ah ah, I really don't know, but I'm trying my best for sure. Fingers crossed!

    Beaverlicious > Alright, I found no way to have a Paypal form with a currency+language autoswitch. So there's now a first button in English/USD, and a second one with french/Eur. (Both are working exactly the same way)

    Thanks again for telling me! (And if you're coming to gamescom, I'm sure we'll find a way to have that beer!)