Download Construct 0.99.82 (unstable)
This is an
unstable build. You can help Construct's development by downloading it, trying it out, testing and reporting bugs. If you have projects you want to work on without possible bugs getting in the way, stick to stable builds.
Link to previous build (0.99.8) changelog
We've patched some of the issues introduced in 0.99.8, and thrown in some extra fixes. Click through the links to previous build changelogs for all changes since earlier builds.
Full changelog
[FIX] - Platform movement now handles platforms and moving platforms correctly. Should be much less buggy.
[FIX] - Platform movement did not revert to default controls if the controls were deleted from application properties
[FIX] - Pasting objects onto the canvas no longer leaks memory
[FIX] - Plasma object no longer leaks memory
[FIX] - 3d Box - Bounding box now calculates correctly and accounts for rotations etc.
Event Editor
[FIX] - No longer loses sub events.
Family manager
[FIX] - Could select multiple objects but that had no effect, so set to single selection.
[FIX] - 3d enabled layers with 'force own texture' no longer lose elements that are elivated above z=0
[FIX] - Bounding boxes of elevated 3d graphics are calculated correctly.
[FIX] - Crash with unloading textures action (affected Canvas)