Ashley's Forum Posts

  • Can you reliably reproduce either crash? That's always the key. Memory bugs can cause sporadic crashes depending on what's left behind in memory - usually showing up as "sometimes it crashes, sometimes it doesn't". They're particularly tricky to track down!

  • Web Game Builder let you convert your games from standard windows *.exe file into a web based game.

    That sounds suspicious due to the technical near-impossibility, not to mention that running an arbitrary EXE in a browser is a nightmare security concern, so it can't possibly "just work", unless it's like the java-based instant play other sites have. What technology is it based on? I also can't get any of the demos to run in Firefox. Does it package the EXE up in to an ActiveX or something? I'm really doubtful of how this actually works, so personally I'd look more carefully in to it before handing over any money...

  • Hey, glad you both met each other and that Construct has reached Poland, but please stick to English on the boards, you can chat away in Polish by PM if that's cool

    • Post link icon

    Although it's possible to create malware programs in Construct, I would strongly advise against it. Anyone can do it, yes, but if it becomes an issue it could damage the reputation of Construct. You certainly shouldn't come to the forum announcing that you've done it, especially if you're heading towards doing anything illegal. So please keep this type of post off the forum. Topic locked.

  • Interesting, looks fairly similar to Construct in some ways. Can't get my head round the UI though.

  • Graphics cards don't really have a 'set pixel' command - they do everything with vertices. You can set a pixel, but it is very slow!

  • Wow... that is very nice! I'd say multicore is an essential feature, otherwise you simply won't get the performance out of it, and quad cores are becoming more common, so a 4x speedup would be great. The resolution is a bit blocky, but the blur covers it up really nicely.

    Also, why hijack a sprite mesh? If you're using set distort map actions in the event sheet editor, that's going to hammer the performance unnecessarily. Why not have your plugin draw the mesh itself?

  • Woah, that's an epic idea for a game...

  • Thanks for the report, I didn't know about several of those slowdowns... you must have the biggest .cap anyone's ever created!

    Unfortunately as you point out, it's likely many of the deficiencies will have to wait until Construct 2...

  • Awesome

  • Download Construct 0.99.92 (unstable)

    This is an

    unstable build. You can help Construct's development by downloading it, trying it out, testing and reporting bugs. If you have projects you want to work on without possible bugs getting in the way, stick to stable builds.

    Link to previous build (0.99.91) changelog

    Not many changes - but I think the event sheet editor memory leak is fixed. Try out this build and let me know - is it any better?


    Event sheet editor

    [FIX] Memory leak should be fixed


    [CHANGE] A for loop from 5 to 0 will now loop as 5,4,3,2,1,0 instead of looping infinitely

    [FIX] A crash that could sometimes occur when you use the font object

  • HobbyPress have written and published a book on Construct - 'Practical Tips & Techniques'. That's kinda cool I guess, so maybe check it out and see if you think it looks good

  • Mary Jane has set up an excellent site for Russian Construct users! If you're Russian check it out, or maybe tell your Russian friends

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