Ashley's Forum Posts

  • This happens because all instances of Construct try to write to the same Temp.exe file.

    I've fixed it for the next build, you can run multiple previews, even from the same instance of the IDE. They go to Temp.exe, Temp2.exe, Temp3.exe...

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  • Download Construct 0.99.94 (unstable)

    This is an

    unstable build. You can help Construct's development by downloading it, trying it out, testing and reporting bugs. If you have projects you want to work on without possible bugs getting in the way, stick to stable builds.

    Link to previous build (0.99.93) changelog

    A few minor fixes; hopefully a candidate for a new stable release.


    Layout editor

    • [FIX] Ctrl+X (cut) didn't delete selection (Ashley)

    Text object

    • [FIX] Wrong font showing at runtime (R0J0Hound)
    • [FIX] The Runtime Properties -> Text Rendering option works now. Before Text would render the same no matter the selection (R0J0Hound)
  • Sorry, going to shoot down your post there KrushBrother:

    Is that the real nifflas?

    I think so, the account was signed up in 2007 before anyone would have any interest in spoofing.

    If it is, then I'm disappointed.

    I imagined him to be someone who would relish the challenge of overcoming the niggly bits of Construct that still need to be sorted out.

    You're sounding a little passive-aggressive there, plus that doesn't really make sense: Construct (and software in general, really) shouldn't have "niggly bits" to overcome. Things like an inconsistent number base simply slow people down and catch people out when they're not expecting it. It should definitely be uniformly the same across the entire program, so it's always predictable (you don't have to think about it - you just know what it is). And since 0-based makes more mathematical sense than 1-based, that's the way to go, IMO.

    Construct is so powerful in so many ways I doubt the real nifflas would turn his nose up at it

    Construct has real and serious shortcomings for professional game developers that I acknowledge and am keen to rectify in Construct 2.

    Also re: Davioware:

    Construct is mostly 0 based actually. Only a few things are 1 based. It's not that bad.

    There's enough of a mix that people are regularly thrown off. Changing it in Construct 0.x would break a lot of existing apps - it's something that pretty much has to wait until Construct 2.

  • I'd say 0-based.

    Yeah, I agree with you actually. I think Construct 2 will be all zero based, universally. For example pretty much any time you use random() you end up with some +1 or -1 fudging, since it's zero based - and the same thing happens if you loop to create a grid of objects - for that, zero based loops is much more convenient. There's a minor issue that beginners might get caught out by zero indexing, but they need to learn that anyway since it's how computers and math work.

  • I'm not going to take the poll as-is and spend my time proportionally on those features, necessarily, but a followup poll might be interesting, yeah. I might go back over the "most wanted" thread, add in a few more ideas, take out the usual suspects, and run another poll.

    As for event-written plugins/behaviors - these are actually quite a popular and oft-requested feature.

  • Thanks for the kind words Do tell a few people if you like it - word of mouth is a good way to help get the project more attention.

    We've still got long term plans for Construct 2 so stick around and I hope you think it's even better when it turns up

  • Thats cool Looks like a good talk, and Construct was mentioned on pretty much equal footing to Game Maker. Nice to know, thanks for the link!

  • Is this specific to XAudio2? You didn't mention XAudio2 in the OP, but it should be pretty straightforward to tweak the file loader if it's just that. (Sorry, in a rush, answer might be in the thread somewhere)

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • Debate on social networking aside, I signed up the facebook, twitter and youtube channel because a lot of people do still use them, and those who do can use it to keep up to date with Scirra news as well. Twitter's pretty handy for that - it only takes me a second to paste a new build link in and everyone who uses Twitter sees the update without having to visit the site regularly to check. So I think it's handy for some.

  • Ah, I see about the text now. Woops, well, good thing we have the unstable/stable system

  • What do you mean? What exactly is wrong? I don't think the text object was changed this build, so it would be strange if something broke in it.

  • What's your point? It'll take a while for the twitter and facebook to accumulate users, and not everyone on the forum has a twitter account.

  • Download Construct 0.99.93 (unstable)

    This is an

    unstable build. You can help Construct's development by downloading it, trying it out, testing and reporting bugs. If you have projects you want to work on without possible bugs getting in the way, stick to stable builds.

    Link to previous build (0.99.92) changelog

    Thanks to R0J0Hound for some Python additions. Hopefully this can be a new stable build so the 0.99.92 memory leak fix propagates out.


    Layout Editor

    • [FIX] Crash when you remove an effect of an object that has been cloned

    Picture Editor

    • [FIX] Changing a colour via the arrow buttons no longer crashes


    • [ADD] Behaviors can now be accessed now from python. Actually the seem to have been already accessible, but had vague names like "Movement_2_6". Now they have names like "SpriteGridMovement". (R0J0Hound)
    • [ADD] Picked objects can now be accessed from python via a new class "SOL". For example: the x coordinate of the first picked sprite would be "SOL.Sprite.X". (R0J0Hound)
    • [ADD] The python dir() command will now list all the ACEs of construct objects that you can call from python. (R0J0Hound)
    • [ADD] Default expressions for objects can now be called from python. For example "Array(4)" and "HashTable('foo')" can now be called from python. (R0J0Hound)
    • [FIX] Fix for python path becoming escaped on some computers (R0J0Hound)


    • [FIX] Fix for the "break" and "StopLoop" actions when used with for loops. They broke in 0.99.92. (R0J0Hound)
  • Oh yes, it's possible especially for behaviors and simple plugins that consist purely of logic, to compile for multiple platforms for one C++ source. C2 will have better abstractions across its SDKs so that kind of thing is easier too. There may be an issue keeping the SDK in sync if multiple runtimes are being developed by different people, but at least then that would mean multiple runtimes are in development!

    It also doesn't help with platforms which you can't use C++ on like the web - you simply are forced to write a plugin twice. However if the SDKs are as similar as possible that should be pretty straightforward.