Ashley's Forum Posts

  • Download Construct 2 public preview 41.2

    Link to release 41

    Just a little maintenance release to see if the editor drawing problem is fixed on old video cards. If you've had problems before, let me know if it works now!


    • [Change] iOS viewport size is now the device native resolution in exported fullscreen apps. Before, it would instead take the Safari default page size, which is bigger than necessary.
    • [SDK] All scripts now use ECMAScript 5 "strict" mode, which is more secure, performs better and catches common programming errors. Currently only Firefox 4 seems to support it, but this is good future-proofing.
    • [Optimisation] Events inside groups had a performance penalty. This has now been eliminated so events inside groups are as fast as events outside groups.
    • [Fix] ([s:11v4satf]Untested, but hopefully[/s:11v4satf] works) Fix for sprites and tiled backgrounds not rendering in the editor on old graphics cards.
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  • I think the main thing is just to have useful high quality content, and as long as you've got one or two incoming links people will find it and it will spread just because it's a great site.

  • Ah, thanks for the info dump - looks like the fallback when non-power-of-two textures are not supported isn't working. I'll see if I can fix for the next build.

  • For nested loops just break up the top level loop across multiple ticks. That still cuts up the entire job in to smaller pieces.

  • Construct ought to use a multithreaded runtime, but it doesn't. It's a design flaw and fixing it would require some level of refactoring. It's also a problem in the editor - saving or loading huge projects sends the editor in to "not responding" as well. It's solved in Construct 2 - the editor does heavy lifting on a separate thread, and most browsers run javascript in a separate thread too.

    But why does your game need to do such an extraordinary amount of processing that the window is locked up? It seems unusual.

    The "DoEvents" type function that was in VB is widely regarded as an ugly hack, but I guess that wouldn't be out of place in Classic

    The only other solution is to break up the work over multiple ticks. For example, instead of doing a million loop iterations which takes ten seconds and goes in to "not responding" mode, break it up in to 10,000 iterations per tick over 100 ticks. Not only does this keep the app responding during the processing, but it also gives you the opportunity to update the screen with the progress. That's probably your best bet for the time being.

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  • I think C2 is best suited for games and apps within webpages. If you use HTML5 canvas for entire websites, you run in to the same age-old problems of doing the same in Flash: google won't crawl it so you won't be indexed, your browser back/forward buttons don't work as expected, it's hard getting a URL to the specific page you want, poor accessibility, etc. etc. Flash has fixed some of these by virtue of being absolutely massive and all over the internet for years and years, but C2's canvas isn't there yet. In other words, stick to HTML for websites - use Canvas for games, banners and other interactive bits and pieces inside that. The fullscreen mode is for fullscreen games!

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  • Canvas can do JPEG. I'll add it to my todo list. They would just be converted to JPEG on export - in the project they'd still be PNG, because they're lossless. (You don't want the quality to degrade every time you click 'Edit'!)

  • Animations are next on the agenda. It's a big job though, so releases might be a bit less frequent for a bit.

  • Release 41 now has a fullscreen in browser option that takes care of this for you!

  • Download Construct 2 public preview 41

    Link to release 40

    New in this build: fullscreen in browser!

    <img src="">

    The 'Fullscreen in browser' option resizes the canvas to fill the entire browser window. This is especially good for phones and tablets where you want the web page to look like an app. Here's a simple test.

    In most browsers on desktop systems, you can also hit F11, and lo and behold, fullscreen gaming in HTML5!


    • [Feature] Fullscreen in browser (project properties)
    • [Add] WindowWidth and WindowHeight system expressions - useful when in fullscreen mode to get the current window size.
    • [Change] Double-clicking group headers toggles their expanded state instead of editing
  • Hehe, no worries nobody should panic about features disappearing, we're trying to match everything Classic does and then add more on top of that, except where HTML5 limitations apply.

  • Could it be made to work like CC where double clicking the group would open and close it?

    OK, will change for next build.

    Last I heard, groups were going to be left out of C2

    Where did you hear that?! We've always planned to put groups in, to match Classic's features!

  • Have you seen Construct 2 and its FAQ?