Ashley's Forum Posts

  • I saw an error 525 there, which appears to mean a secure connection failed to be set up. You probably have a configuration problem with your system. I'm afraid it's difficult to help any further, there's very little information to go on and it appears to be a problem specific to your system.

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  • Yeah, I just figured out that the former developer has overwritten the built-in "text" plugin.

    This is exactly the type of thing that creates horrible compatibility nightmares. Developers should never do that and users should never use any addons that do that. You are going to have a really tough time because of this.

    Your best bet is to try to remove all references to the broken plugin (as doing this is just a way to break everything), then rebuild the missing parts in the editor once you get it to import.

  • The variable probably does not have global scope. Make sure it's a property of globalThis, i.e. globalThis.hackGlobalPunchesCoordinates, to ensure it really is accessible everywhere.

  • Good point, added for the script interface too in the next beta.

  • Unfortunately that does not provide much more information. It still looks like a problem downloading the files needed for minify, though. Are you sure your Internet connection is working correctly?

    Also do you have any browser extensions installed? Try disabling them, sometimes they can interfere with Construct.

  • Without more information I can only assume the message is correct and there was a problem with your Internet connection.

    If an error occurs, you can try pressing F12 and check for more detailed error messages in the browser console.

  • Yeah, that should all be working correctly. It's difficult to help without more information, such as a sample project file.

  • Construct automatically takes in to account the device pixel ratio (which I presume that setting is changing). So it should work. It's hard to say more without more information.

  • I realised the runtime can actually calculate this for you, so I've added a read-only Z scale property to 3D camera, and a new ZScale expression on 3D camera, for the next beta.

  • There's rarely any need to use base64 these days, and it's more efficient if you don't use base64. You can instead use 'Save image' in Canvas, use AJAX to fetch the image directly in to Binary Data, and then use Local Storage to save the Binary Data to storage. Then you can later load the Binary Data from storage again, load an image from the Binary Data URL, and paste that in to the canvas. This keeps everything binary and never converts to base64.

  • I don't speak Spanish but Google Translate says "capas" is "layers" in English. So I think that message is in fact telling you that the free edition layers limit is exceeded, not the events limit.

  • So when we first added Z elevation the Z axis was originally normalised such that at 100% zoom the camera is at a Z position of 100, looking down at the Z=0 plane (i.e. 100 units away). This kind of made sense for Z elevation to make it simple to use no matter the view size. However with the added 3D features I think it's actually become a bit of a complication. We might need to add a setting that lets you change this to something that uses equal units on all axes for 3D.

    To work out the math you just need to think about the camera on a side-view, and use trigonometry:

    If you split the view in half, notice the top triangle has an angle of fov / 2, and the opposite side of the triangle has length viewH / 2. Currently Construct calculates z to be 100 and scales the view to fit that, using a fixed FOV of 45 degrees. But instead you can calculate what z ought to be given the angle and opposite length. With trigonometry we know tan(a) = opposite / adjacent, which in this case is tan(fov/2) = (viewH / 2) / z. Rearranging to solve for z, we get z = (viewH / 2) / tan(fov/2). If I open the 3D shape example and use the view height there of 480, this gives z = 240 / tan(22.5) = 579.4 (approx). Since we know Construct calculated z to be 100, this gives a Z scale factor of ~5.8 to match Z units to X/Y pixels. So one of the 3D boxes is 100x100; to make it a cube its Z height should be 100 / 5.8 = 17.2 (approx).

    So if I set the cube to a Z height of 17.2 and set up a 3D camera looking at it, bingo, it looks like a cube with the same size on every axis:

    The default of 14 was just a guess from eyeballing it, but is a bit too short. Your guess of about 5:1 was close, it's 5.8 in this case, but as you can see it depends on the viewport height of the project.

    With a new camera setting to match all the axes, you'd be able to just set the 3D shape to 100x100 with a Z height of 100, and it'd look cube. Although I'd add the details of these calculations may change in future, such as if we add a configurable FOV.

  • You need to make sure at least one layer is set to use 3D mode, and you must also initialise the camera with 'Look at position', otherwise the camera is not initialised and so cannot be rendered. (For example, unless you provide an up vector, the engine doesn't know which way you want to be up.)

  • No, I meant with us. We can probably work around it if something's changed. As ever filing issues is the way to report problems, things only mentioned on the forum are easily lost or forgotten.

  • Maybe something changed in a Chrome update. If you can reliably reproduce it please file an issue.