Hi, I am back to C3, I am a coder ar heart and I love this feature.
In particular I can finally create array of arrays, the problem is that I do not know how to work with them, since, afaik there is no official way to use "proper" arrays in c3.
I have a function with a looooooong script that generates a set of coordinates according to a complex algorigthm, it returns something like:
[10, 200], [320, 760], [754, 210], ...]
I need to access said array in c3 to spawn objects.
const currentSet = hackGlobalPunchesCoordinates.shift();
runtime.objects.punch.createInstance(0, currentSet[0], currentSet[1], false);
I have declared hackGlobalPunchesCoordinates at the beginning of the sheet as:
var hackGlobalPunchesCoordinates = [];
But I get a ReferenceError: hackGlobalPunchesCoordinates is not defined
Is there a proper way to do this?
The issue here is that the function that generates the coordinates need to be called before and away the spawn object routine.
I would also be very happy to have a way to use array of arrays officially, as far as I can see you only support array of numbers, strings and bools