asdzxc's Forum Posts

  • For those of you ****** exporting for Steam, what's the reason why you're not using C3 to export but still sticking with C2? (assuming you have both licenses)

    Is it because of the addons or because C3 NW.js ultimately still has more issues than C2?

    Which one is easier to work with theoretically (Includes implementing Steam Achievements)?

  • I'm adding more infos.

    If your project is made in Construct 3 you will need a dedicated Construct 3 addon.

    In theory, you indeed can have your Construct 2 project imported in Construct 3, nevertheless, to do so when using a third-part addon in the Construct2 project, you need to have a dedicated third-part addon for Construct 3 to open the project.

    There's no need to open the project in C3 though since you add the Cordova Project exported from C2 directly into C3's Export Manager. My only concern was if the addons from C2 will still work if we do it this way and chadorireborn advise is, it will.

    To summarize; (This is because we have no Analytics addons whitelisted for C3)

    Add C2 Analytics into C2 Project > Export as Cordova file > Import into C3 Exporting manager directly > Build into Xcode/signed released APK file

    (If we have Analytics addons whitelisted for C3)

    Then we could add C3 Analytics into C3 project > Export straight into (this process also includes the Cordova part) Xcode/signed Release APK file

    Now I am curious what's the difference between C3 exporting into Cordova over C2 exporting into Cordova.

    Assuming you gain the 3rd party addons this way, what are we losing out on when we aren't using C3 to export into a Cordova project?

    Can you please enlighten me? Lol

    If you only need to make sure the retention rate to the overall application, an analytic addon should indeed work as intended.

    My warning was about if you wanted to analyze every "pages" (or layouts) in your application, as if they were different web pages, analytics perhaps won't allow to track those as easily as they would on an actual website.

    Aaaa, thanks for the explanation!

    That's what I only need for now but I do want to have the option that if we need more in-depth analysis, that should be possible too down the road.

  • From the How do I FAQ for Construct 3 :

    If I understand correctly, what you're implying seems to be different from chadorireborn reply, or were you trying to add in more information(s)?

    If I am not wrong, what you are trying to say is addons from C2 still needs to be converted to C3 no matter what before you can build your project into a Xcode/Signed release APK file using C3 build service (in order for the addons to work),

    while chadorireborn is "saying" that you are able to Export your C2 in C2 as an Cordova Project with the C2 addons and bring it to C3 (under Export Manager) to build into a Xcode/Signed release APK file and the C2 addons will still work.

    Now I'm confused but I appreciate the replies guys.

    Anyway, I appreciate the link. I did read that and dig around a lot but there's absolutely no answer to my question.

    You can have third-part Construct 2 add-ons in Construct 3 by asking their authors to port them using the SDK.

    Most authors which came up with C2 Analytics addons has long moved on.

    Otherwise, check the Exchange Addon

    There's only one Analytics on Exchange Addon but you're not allowed to directly export them as a Xcode/Sign release APK file.

    Is it possible then to export them out as Cordova Project on C3 and bring the file back to C3 (under Export Manager) to build as a Xcode/Sign release APK file?

    If it's possible, what does this mean though?

    When exporting for Cordova remember to call cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-gameanalytics and cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device in the exported Cordova project.

    or this dedicated forum to see if a port already exists.

    None at all.

    Finally you can try this beta converter.

    I'm not an advanced user and the people from that thread highly recommend only people who knows what they are doing to use that converter.

    Once you have a Construct 3 version of the add-on, you can install it using the add-ons manager.

    Yup, knew about this. Thanks!

    Also be aware that analytics will only render one "item".

    Your application will likely be considered as a single visited web page.

    Pardon me, but I'm not sure what this statement mean. I just need to track basic rate of retention.

  • Bump!

  • Is there a way to check if the Achievement is already unlock (non-repeatable) then the event shouldn't be able to report or unlock the Achievement again and again?

    Is using Global variable/local storage the only way to do this?


  • Does anybody knows if it's possible to use the plugin meant for C2 > export as Cordova project then bring the Cordova project to C3 and export as a Xcode/Signed Release APK? Will it work?

  • Bump!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • From what I understand so far, if I only need Analytics for my app, I just need to upload my .ipa and APK file to Enhance server, linked up the ID from whichever Analytics I'm using to Enhance account?

    (In this case, I don't have to download Enhance plugins for C3 right? Only if I need the ads and IAP function then I need to download the plugin so that I can dictate the event execution?)

    Is there a Enhance logo attached to the icon?

    For signed release APK file, we have to upload the keystore file to Enhance server as well?

  • I'm using the same version. Xcode project for iOS export is working for me though.

  • I'm trying to export signed release APK for Android and I'm getting the same error as well. My last version which was back in May 24th was fine.

  • I got the following reply from Iain Shorter last week:

    > The suggested methods for hiding the statusbar don't seem to work for me, Apple tend to change things a lot and I remember this historically being difficult. So to work around this I've set it to be programmatically hidden. This means it will appear for a short duration during loading but it's hidden as soon as the renderer is initialised.

    > This patch should be in the next release.

    I don’t know what release the patch is included in but I’m using r105 and it still appears for me. Not sure what number the current stable release is.

    Thanks for sharing! I guess I will have to make do with the "Light" status bar in the meanwhile..

  • Did you managed to fix this?

    I'm having the same issue as well. My last build was on 23-24th May and it was okay. I tried it today via Xcode and status bar wasn't hidden despite being checked.

    What I remembered was, if you had status bar checked when you export from C3, the status bar option in Xcode should be automatically checked as well, but it doesn't seems to be that way this time round.

    But even when I try to up another version and checked it manually, the status bar isn't hiding.

  • Does anybody knows if there's a way to prevent your game going into sleep mode in C3 (for both iOS and Android)?

    Thank you!

  • What's the easiest way to implement any sort of analytics (Flurry/Google Analytics/etc)...

    for those who export with C3 xCode project (not cordova) and compiling your signed APK using C3 build service?

    Appreciate any insights.


  • Update:

    I fixed both the screen scroll issue and copy/look up button issue.

    For some reason my config.xml file did not contain:

    <preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true" />

    Adding this back fixed the screen scrolling problem.

    The copy/look up issue was resolved by adding this code to the css in index.html

    * {

    -webkit-user-select: none;


    I have no idea why this issue appeared after updating to iOS 11.3. But if it happens to you, start with these changes.

    Remote previewing seems to have the exact same issue as what you have described on any of the mobile browser in iOS 11.3.1. Is there any lines I can edit with the caproj file? I'm on Steam C2 version though.