ArtRow's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • It works! Thanks a lot for your help!

  • In general, 32-bit apps can be run on 64-bit systems, but construct NW.js app exported for win32 won't run in Windows 64. Do you have the same experince?

  • Information I found for MAC:

    • libsdkencryptedappticket.dylib and libsteam_api.dylib should be placed there\Contents\Frameworks (or create Steam folder\Contents\Frameworks\Steam ?)
    • steam_appid.txt should be placed inside a folder where is (not inside of But I found another info "If its deployed from Steam you don't need nor should you use the steam_appid.txt". So do I have to use steam_appid.txt? If yes, should I edit Info.plist?

    Information for Linux:

    I hope the pattern the same as for windows. Put all SDK files inside a folder where is executable file located. Just needed clarification about txt file format. ANSI or UTF-8?

    Ashley, could you please clarify that information? Thanks

  • Hi all. I wanna use Steam SDK for all supported platforms, but official documentation doesn't say where I have to put Steam SDK files for Mac and Linux. Does anybody know where they (Steam SDK files) should be placed for that platforms? I don't have Mac and Linux to test it. Thanks!

  • Hi everyone! I'm excited to share with you my first major game, which I have been working on for 5 years. I hope you will like it!

    «Last memories» is a point&click adventure. A dark story about a short but tragic journey. Game has a rich storyline and multiple endings.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Game is almost done and I hope to release it this spring.

    You can find «Last memories» on Steam:

    Thanks for your attention

  • It seems that I can work with c3-localstorage-***, but can't do anything with c3-savegames-***

    Ashley or another Construct developer, is it correct? That I can't do anything with save section? Just use options save and load

  • How can I find key "savegameoriginal" inside indexed DB using Local Storage. I've searched this forum, but didn't found things could help me.

    I know about option where I should add some keys right after saving option. But is it possible to find that key if it already exist?

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  • Hello Ashley,

    I'm developing quest (for PC only) and use a mouse plugin a lot. I decided to use letterbox scale and found one issue. I think it's not a bug (and didn't report it). But I'd like to know will you "fix" that or it won't be changed.


    Game area ends below bottom line of viewport. All custom cursors become standard

    So everywhere cursor keeps its view except of bottom area. (Letterbox and integer Letterbox scales)

    Is there an option to keep a gaming/working area within all area of window? Or can I fix it by myself with adding bottom margin to viewport the same as top one? If that issue can be "fixed" partially, for example, just for fullscreen only – it would be great.


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  • Hi,

    When I started use runtime 3, my cursor started delaying (about 0.1 second) everywhere with changing its sprite. When I use runtime 2 (I don't change any line of code, I just change runtime) - cursor changing works great, as it should.

    Example: in my quest I take an item from inventory, my cursor is being changed to it. When I use the item (put a bottle on the table), bottle is already created on the table, but cursor still isn't set to default. I tryed to change cursor sprite before creating of the bottle, but the cursor changing delays anyway. In runtime 2 creating of object and changing of cursor sprite work simultaneously, in runtime 3 they don't.

    That issue causes other bugs with long mouse button pressing in runtime 3. It should work fast (in runtime 2 it works perfectly) because it's not single click, and mouse button pressure ('mouse is down' condition) collects delays and mouse behavior starts lagging.

    I'm awared about capx, but I don't know how to reproduce it out of my project. Just pay attention to it. Thanks.

  • This bug hasn't fixed yet.

    I have this one in Construct 3 too. Objects with persist behavior are created with new z-index order over other objects which don't have persist behavior.

    It ruins a level design. To avoid this I need to add persist behavior for every object to keep z-index orders for them.

  • 10 posts