ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • That is why i am sticking with canvas+

  • Got my invite, going to dive into this today. Hopefully I can make some tutorials videos along the way.

  • Awesome. Looking forward to testing all 10 of games on this as soon as I get the invitation.

    Will there be a CJS splash screen still? And if so, since I purchased the removal of it for the old compiler, will that carry over?

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  • This is the latest one i have from them. ... addon?dl=0

  • Yeah, we had a blast. Thanks for making the game . Hope it turns into a full on project.

  • We did the stream last night, it was a ton of fun.

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    Some pics of my Co-Host playing a few games.

  • I'm not sure if Game Jolt notifies anyone that the results are in, but they are.

    Congrats to everyone that entered! Great work everyone, I really had a blast judging. Saturday night I am doing my stream playing these games on my arcade cabinet.

  • I know the results for the jam are not in yet, but I wanted to take some time and give a little bit of feedback for each entry. Please don't take offense, I'm just trying to help. . I wish I had more time to go into each game, but please contact me if you have any questions about anything I wrote.

    I'm not sure the best way to post this, so I am just going to copy and paste it here. In no particular order.


    Heli War - Great Graphics, and I love the controls. Since it is only Multiplayer it really hard to test and get a good feel for the game. I'll be playing it on my stream with a friend this week, so hopefully I can get you some better feedback, if you want it.

    Gradient Run - Great Controls, plays like an old arcade game. Obviously adding some sound will take the game up a level. My only gripe was the game was a bit too easy, making your games last too long. Arcade games always seemed to start out hard to get your quarters, but as you begin to master the game, you could play for longer and longer. I know this is a far cry from what gaming has become today. Great work, and please continue to grow this game.

    Super Galaxy Start Busters - Great graphics and sound. This really felt like an older arcade game for sure. From the title screen, to the bad translation. Excellent work! I'm really looking forward to playing this on stream with a friend. As far as single player goes, you have some great AI going, the only thing missing is a score to brag to your friends about.

    UFOnator - Great game, great feeling of an old arcade game from the title screen to game play. Hard, but you feel like you improve with each play. Makes you want to keep sticking in quarters to get the high score. Love the scanlines!

    The Magnificent Exorcist - Amazing game. Was polished and fun to play. I kept coming back over and over to try and beat my score. The repel doesn't seem to work on enemies once they are past their initial large size, but that is the only thing I found wrong with the game. It wasn't even a big deal, I just kept playing. Really, really amazing work.

    Dark and Dreadful Tower -Great graphics and I really love the concept of the game. The controls could be tightened up. I found myself getting frustrated with that part of the game a bit. No scoring element to the game was my biggest issue though. Maybe having a timer for each level and the faster the level is completed the more bonus to get. Adding sound will also help add a lot to the game. Great work!

    B-ASIK - Great start, and with more work this could be really fun game. Keep at it. You have a fun idea here that you could really flesh out into a great game. I love the defender sound effects

    Ninja Climber - Good start and I see this shaping up to be a really fun game with some work. I read you only had a few days to work on it, and I think you did a great job in that short amount of time. Keep at it.

    Riverandom - Game is extremely hard. I constantly got hit by the object from the side at the very beginning. You just need to give the player a little bit of time before throwing stuff at them. The other issue I had was there were constantly enemies on the fuel refills making it really hard to get on them. Plus the fact that you can shoot the fuel, means you could never really clear off the enemy as you would just shoot the fuel first. Controls are good and has that coin op feel with the high score leadboard. Keep at it, I think this could be a really fun remake.

    Reckstaug - Really great start to a platformer. There was a bug I ran into where falling platforms wouldn't reset after death, making it impossible to move forward in the game. I love the graphics and the sounds. You did an amazing job with the time allowed and keep at it.

    Under Four Walls - Fun game, a tad buggy (Big zombie came in from the right walking backwards.) The controls can use some work, but a great start for sure. I love the game concept, just tighten up the controls and I think you really have something great here.

    Cube Pop - I love the opening grid pattern, very authentic . This feels a lot like a classic arcade game. I love it. Could work on the ball physics a bit and maybe making the difficulty ramp up more quickly, but a joy to play. I kept coming back over and over trying to beat my score.

    Space Adventure - Great concept. Might be cool if you have a button to shoot left and a button to shoot right, but it is fun how it is. Very old school. Sound is great as well. The only bummer was you can't see your score after you die, so when competing with a friend you can't see who got a better score unless you look really fast just before dying.

    No Joy Go - Very fun game. I like the idea of the floating and clicking the ship to change direction. The one death game over is a great as well considering how long a game can last. My only issue was the fact that the game only works with mouse controls.

    Virus Blaster - Very fast, but fun to play. The score isn't really displayed at the end of the game, which would have been nice to see. Controls are tight and graphics and sound are superb.

    Space Jack - Amazing game play and great sound and graphics too. Fighting for that top score makes the game fun to play. I love the addition of trying to get the stars in order. Great way to motivate the player to try for the high score. Might be fun to add a timer to each level as well, making the player a little more frantic.

    Flag da Tank - This would be a really fun 4 player local co-op game. The controls need some work as it seems like you are stopping and starting back up a lot. Great sounds and graphics. Love level 2 where the bullets start bouncing. Keep on this, it's like a sweet new 4 player COMBAT!

    Medusa - WOW! Amazing graphics, unique game play, it just feels like an old arcade game. I kept putting in quarters to try and get a higher score and get farther in the game. Amazing job. This should be a mini-game in Coin-Op Story .

    Calzone of Duty - Great concept, could use some work but I like the "tapper" type of game play. I had some issues with the controls as they don't seem to match up to what the instructions say. Or I just didn't get it. I'm going to play it more on my arcade cabinet with a friend.

    Beat the streets - Good start, needs a lot of work, but you got the basics down. Keep at it!

  • Got it, thanks!

  • Windows.

  • I will be doing my judging on the GameJolt versions of the game to make sure everything is fair. However, I am going to do a special stream where I play all of these games and it would much easier for me to play a stand alone exe of them. If you would, you can send me a link or zip to your EXE exported version to and I can use that version instead to play on the stream later this week.

    I've worked it out to where I can remap controls on my arcade cabinet to match what you used for your game, so I can make sure I am all setup with each game before the stream.

  • I do see it here ... lls/63098/ and it looks like it's tagged right. Did you get it tagged before the deadline?

    In either case, just email Jordan, I'm sure he can help. He's in the UK.

  • I'm not running the Jam so I can't really help. I would email the one that is.

    Did you tag it with #Construct2CoinOp

    "For participants to enter their game in this jam, they must put the jam's hashtag #construct2coinop in their game's description."

  • No worries, looking forward to playing it.

  • ArcadEd - Just finished my game, maybe a bit minimal but is it good?

    Dropbox link: ... index.html

    If you like it, I'll submit it on Game Jolt right now.

    You should just submit. I really can't comment on whether I like it right now considering I am a judge for the contest. What do you have to lose by submitting it?