applern's Forum Posts

  • Here are 2 possible solutions I could think of. I don't know your needs, but perhaps you can use this as an example to get what you want.

    Thanks! I did the 2nd method,and it worked but I would like it so if they press start without typing in anything then it should say, please write your name an email

  • So I have a 2 text inputs. And only when you write in those 2 text inputs should you be able to click on the sprite (It is not a button) I saw there is a disable button action, but that's for button. Is there any for sprite? Thanks.

  • your welcome,

    try to use the OriginalViewpoint to let them Centered for all Display Sizes, like 1920x1080 and 1280x720 and so on.

    just add for example + 200 on X or Y after

    for X: OriginalViewpointWidth / 2

    for Y: OriginalViewpointHeight / 2


    for X: OriginalViewpointWidth / 2 + 300

    to get your position u want it to be.

    I dont' understand (i'm a noob) My layout is 1920x1080

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  • Not really sure if im right with what u want, but did u told the layout to "create" objects on start of the layout ?


    your can easily create the object on the X and Y position of your screen.

    What does, ot=riginal, viewport width mean?

  • Not really sure if im right with what u want, but did u told the layout to "create" objects on start of the layout ?


    your can easily create the object on the X and Y position of your screen.

    Oh no. Thanks you! I'm pretty sure, this'll work. Thanks!

  • Hey.

    So in my game there is a layout with questions on it. You check the choices (they are check-boxes) and then press submit(button). I also have another button called restart that'll go to the layout called 'StartGame'. In the StartGame layout there is a button called 'start'. When you press that it'll go to the layout with questions on it(that one i had said before.) The 'Text' object (where the question is written)' is visible. The Answer choices are visible, but not the submit button. Please help.

  • Maybe try updating global variables to match the entered text, and then on the later page set the text to the data saved as the global variable?

    Would Textinput.Text work?

  • Maybe try updating global variables to match the entered text, and then on the later page set the text to the data saved as the global variable?

    Well, in the text input it's words, so how would i do that with global variable? because it's multi user not only one person, so there'sd be many names

  • So what I want to do is, in the beginning, you type your name into the text input box and your email into another. Then at the end of the game, I have two text objects and in those it should be your name and email from the beginning. Any way to do this? Thanks.

  • There's an example in C3, called "Taking screenshots."

    OK thanks!

  • Hey!

    So I have a 'TakeScreenshot' Button. When pressed it hould take a screenshot. Anyway to do this?

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  • You need to pick them outside of the family. You can now create an object by name so I guess you could try creating object choose(apple1,apple2).

    Ok. Thanks

  • So what i'm trying to do is I have a bnuch of apples. and each time you answer the question worng and an apple falls. I'm trying to pick an apple randomly out of the family in which there are many more apples. eg: Apple1 Apple2. I tried doing Instances but it didn't work so hoping this can work. Also Is there a way I can do

    + System: Pick a random Apple instance
    ----+ System: Trigger once
    -----> Apple: Move to top of layer
    -----> Apple: Set Bullet angle of motion to 90 degrees
    -----> Apple: Set Bullet Enabled
    + Apple: Y > 600
    -> Apple: Destroy
    + System: Pick a random Apple2 instance
    ----+ System: Trigger once
    -----> Apple: Move to top of layer
    -----> Apple: Set Bullet angle of motion to 90 degrees
    -----> Apple: Set Bullet Enabled
    + Apple2: Y > 600
    -> Apple2: Destroy

    So it'll choose either Appple or Apple2? Thanks