> There is no need for a preload feature. Construct 2 already preloads any objects placed on the layout. If you create an object at runtime which is not in the layout, it has to load it then and there, which can introduce a jank - so just place the object in the layout and destroy it on start of layout. They will still be preloaded. Any objects placed in the layout will not be unloaded until the end of the layout. Objects loaded at runtime may also be unloaded at runtime if the last instance is destroyed.
Ashley I am a bit confused here. Say that the layout does include one instance for each required object. Naturally the objects will load with the layout. But immidiatly after that you suggest to destroy the objects. Wouldn't these objects be unloaded since the last instance is destroyed???
The suggested method is not very practical in my case. It is not reasonable to load all presenter animations when the layout will eventually use only one (randomly selected). My solution is to create a random presenter animation and place it offsscreen while the layout is being played, so it is ready for use when needed. This is actually an a bit lame but effective gfx preload procedure.
As far as I am aware, if the instance is placed on the layout view, it will exist on start of layout, and so will be loaded into memory for the whole duration of the layout, same if you create the object at runtime.
If you do not need an object to be loaded into memory, just don t create it and by extension do not place it inside the layout view, as for using a unique sprite with a lot of animation, I am pretty sure this is the exact reason why you should not use that unless the number of animation is not high.