Aphrodite's Forum Posts

  • Isn't this quite what I Wanna Be the Guy and the rest are all about.

    This is by design an unfair challenge, but it is known as a fact, if someone plays it, he knows what he is getting into beforehand.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I use a drawing of Asha from monster world 4 I found on deviantart, because asha is cute, and the game is awesome, other times I use a picture of trixie from Minty Fresh Adventure (a fan game of my little pony), because I found it cute too, and she has a horn... and I find horns pretty, like soem people like cat ears.

    In short, kawaii, since I do not have a logo nor really want to make any more money with games so having myself a logo is not worth the time in my personnal opinion.

    But I like your avatar more.

  • newt : I had trouble at first, but when you understand the combo system, it becomes pretty easy to counter every attack in my opinion, however, if you are beginning to shoot your combo and click somewhere, it will interupt it, which had me getting in troubles sometimes, but I really like this game mechanic

  • Ize : I wonder, is this using the paster or canvas plugin to do this turning pages (with the draw quad action)? If not, I am curious to see how you could make it so nicely

    Also the last part was unexpected, but was fun ^^

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  • Hey guys,

    I need a small help. I would like to know how i can open the link in a new tab. the open URL in new window action tends to open the URL in a new tab but if there is an existing tab next to the game's tab, it opens the URL in that tab but not a new one.

    How do i fix this?

    Thanks in Advance,


    I think you must set the tag of the window to "_blank", I cannot try right now, so tell me if that worked for you.

  • At least that would be clearer, I also hope that apps with advert will also have their own category, everything should be clear crystal for the user, saying free to charge afterwards is just being not free, but a demo or a potential pay-to-win, and for ads, they enforce mostly the use of ads-for-money while displaying crap or causing damage to the device (I seriously had the screen altered of it's color, and it could not respond and I could not even close the device because of an advertisement).

    You might say it is the choice of the developper of placing ads or not, and I will respond it is a choice of the user to choose not to have ads inside his app. And if you rely on this lack of information from the user, clearly you should revisit your marketing techniques.

    That makes me want to do small games with no ads and no in app purchase.

  • I am pretty sure that by design you would have to have one tilemap object (not instance) per different set of tilemap used (image), the same way you need another sprite to have other pictures used and loaded in the memory.

  • lerp(self.x,target.x,yourspeed*dt)


    Target, as well as yourspeed can be a variable.

    This is a misuse of the lerp function, and should not be used (the ease in actually when you are using this is caused by the fact the distance between the self and the target is reduced, but the target will not be reached except if there are errors accumulating)

    If you want to go from a to b, either move with clamp(self.x+speedx, self.x, target.x) (depending on where is the target, you might want to adapt the formula) or using lerp(initialx, target.x, percentage) with percentage increasing from 0 to 1

  • It seems you are using it correctly.

    Basically, dt is the time per tick (in seconds per tick)

    When you want to modify a value V (for exemple a distance in pixels) at a certain variation DV in unit_of_v / seconds (pixel per seconds in our exemple), since you are acting each tick, you have to apply each tick:

    New_V (unit_of_V) = V (unit_of_V) + DV (unit_of_V / seconds) * dt (seconds/tick)

    Basically 60*dt is an easier way of implementing it (since you won't see a difference at 60 fps, which means you are deplacing it in your case at 2 pixels per 1/60 seconds, which is considered the normal tick)

  • As for the maximum number, I think C2 can really go far, but since it is using floats, the precision might be affected when you go really far into big numbers, I think the maximum UID number is somewhat close to 9 000 000 000 000 000 and I would assume so that the maximum accurate integer value would be around that, but it could be larger (still pretty high anyway)

    As for the solution LittleStain suggested, I would recommend doing a function that will format it the way you want, by comparing the number of digits the integer value of the number have.

    Edit: also you might want to use the Internation system prefixes if you go really high (k ; M ; G ; T ; P ; E ; Z ; Y)

  • You need to update it manually (see the link at the bottom of the forum).

    If you are using the steam version however, this is another story

  • If you insist on Illustrator you may try CS2 version. Adobe giveaway them free, don't know why! Only thing i know is they stop supporting that release.

    I strongly recommend CorelDraw for vectoral drawings.

    CS2, as far as I know, is not usable for free by anyone, only those whom actually possesed a license of it before, it just is not clear and poorly executed(as anyone can go ahead and download them from their website with nothing preventing them), but actually it is not legal to do so If I remember correctly.

  • This question seems a bit confusing, if you want no scaling at all, you can set the fullscreen mode to crop, which effectively scales nothing but show more or less, but I doubt it is what you actually want

  • > There is no need for a preload feature. Construct 2 already preloads any objects placed on the layout. If you create an object at runtime which is not in the layout, it has to load it then and there, which can introduce a jank - so just place the object in the layout and destroy it on start of layout. They will still be preloaded. Any objects placed in the layout will not be unloaded until the end of the layout. Objects loaded at runtime may also be unloaded at runtime if the last instance is destroyed.


    Ashley I am a bit confused here. Say that the layout does include one instance for each required object. Naturally the objects will load with the layout. But immidiatly after that you suggest to destroy the objects. Wouldn't these objects be unloaded since the last instance is destroyed???

    The suggested method is not very practical in my case. It is not reasonable to load all presenter animations when the layout will eventually use only one (randomly selected). My solution is to create a random presenter animation and place it offsscreen while the layout is being played, so it is ready for use when needed. This is actually an a bit lame but effective gfx preload procedure.

    As far as I am aware, if the instance is placed on the layout view, it will exist on start of layout, and so will be loaded into memory for the whole duration of the layout, same if you create the object at runtime.

    If you do not need an object to be loaded into memory, just don t create it and by extension do not place it inside the layout view, as for using a unique sprite with a lot of animation, I am pretty sure this is the exact reason why you should not use that unless the number of animation is not high.