Aphrodite's Forum Posts

  • Also, I wonder if you could simply execute javascript from another file (spoiler:you can) which could make API being a extendable javascript file (that I am unsure about)

  • Nice, even though metroid is a pretty basic game, it can be troublesome for some to actually think about how to design it.

    I hope this will help people realise that designing something is not just saying "we can't do it, there is nothing for it" when they don't know what they want (it seems most people I talked with had trouble with the room to room scrolling in their head, I just can't help at that point, if they don't know what they want themselves)

    It's all about design, concepts, not "does C2 has something slightly similar".

  • Well, to be honest, I also feel it goes that way:

    "Javascript was not designed to do X"

    "Do X with it"

    Which is not that bad considering the benefit of bekng inside the webbrowser, but when we go around with:

    "We want to do a game executable for one specific platform"

    "Javascript is not specific to a platform, browsers are translating it in the end to the platform"

    "I know! Let's get a browser, hide it from people, and use it to interpret the javascript we have done so it looks like an exe!"

    "...what the point already?"

    "It is cooler that way, and we can export to multiple platforms!"

    "...you could either just stay with a webgame which will keep the benefits, or simply use a technology that is low level enough while being crossplatform which won't have problems"

    "Nah, I prefer misusing mah toolz"

    I just cannot say it is a good thing, we are using a webtech, trying to make it as polish as native, then making it look like native while losing the web benefits, dafudge.

  • 2 things I guess:

    -the evaluation of the expression might be simply taking more time than the actions (don't think conditions are instantaneous, in some cases they take more time that actions).

    -the CPU measure of C2 is not accurate enough for a small case (and even for larger ones), it is really a ballpark figure and nothing more, if the difference for the small case is minor, then don't really care about it that much, as the inaccuracy and debug alteration might play a bigger role.

  • That would seem to be an invalid reason, as that is how websites works too, I think it may be that older flash websites did not adapt themselves to that, but as far as I know, some do support html5 games (newgrounds, or kongregate for exemples), also nothing prevents the files to be packed inside a zip if ine file is the issue. and for the end user, there is virtually no differences as it is a game inside a rectangle in the browser.

    However publishers seem to think html5 is only good for mobile content (...they don't care for it on desktop since they have flash, they got it the wrong way it seems but whatever), that may be why people prefer to go for flash.

    Also define who is "they", as far as I saw, nobody said that around me.

  • Html5 first advantage over flash is that it can run on moderns browsers without any plugin (that also is true for mobile browsers, since flash for android and maybe iOS (not sure for iOS) has been discontinued as far as I know, performances wise it would be better to compare PCs only), as far as I saw myself, as long as webGL is enabled the game can run nicely on computers, except for really weird specific cases (I remember some people having beefy computers that had issues running C2 games with WebGL while my bottomline laptop could make them run with no issues, weird), meanwhile flash games I cannot say for sure as I am not a big user of flash games (the demo of binding of isaac was pretty slow though sometimes, but I cannot say for sure if it is a flash issue or just bad implementation).

    Hope that helps a little.

    Also another feature/issue of html5 : browsers supports it, and sometimes they can f*ck it up for quite some time as history showed us, also some features may be first not supported across browsers (rare in the case of C2, but I saw it happen).

  • I guess asking Aurel would be wise, as he did the next penelope, I know for visual effects he had to resort to doing his own ones, for the rest I am not sure.

    However I recommand that you put up on paper how the game should react, how motions should look, etc.. so you will know what to implement cleanly.

  • kingpirux as far as I know, the caching feature of C2 requires you to do you own updating screen to warn the player when an update is curenttly downloading

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/70/off ... onstruct-2

    Yes it is a bother, and yes it feels wrong, but I guess newgrounds just does not support the feature or appcache files, which may explain the difference.

  • Ashley most behaviors are useful even for full fledge games when they are adapted, however it is painfull to see that doing basically yourself (not you, the user) your own event engine is not as easy as it should, I mean with the conditions, and actions, we should be able to create about everything we want movement wise (the only thing being pushing off an object's collision polygon maybe, a direct action for that could be nice but non mandatory of course, that is not the point), but to actually reuse said events, or even share them, well, too bad it is not as easy as using a behavior.

    Of course most beginners won't be able to use that to the full potential, but with the current low number of behaviors, most of them won't be able to make their game reach their full potential.

    How I see it (could be completely wrong but I do not see how):

    • By plugins I mean both objects and behaviors, effects could also be affected.
    • First off, official plugins update not tied with the C2/C3 engine when it is not needed
    • each plug can have a "stable" or "beta" status, all stable versions are availiable in case of breaking changes, the project retains the plugin number versions to download them as needed
    • Easy to use plugin store, with "official plugin lists" and third party ones, with a sorting by tags, authors, names, etc.., you want the plugin? Just click the version you need and it installs, right now updating third party plugins is a chore, would also help with conflicts of plugin names maybe.
    • Event-based plugins: obvious one, might be impossible but it still should be there if possible, can be shared the same way
    • Main runtime updates being also subject to versionning, so if a plugin is not compatible at all with it, we can be warned beforehand

    The end goal being that the editor can slide into a state where we are not tied completely with only "Official behaviors" being used, as we all know no decisions you will take will be good for everyone and that not every plugin you did can be maintained further for long, at least with that, there will be choices and alternatives for everyone, and sharing capx with other plugins can work out if said plugin version is in the store.

  • > Contruct was made to be fast and easy to make games for those who can't or won't code. Unfortunately, much of the way contruct operates makes assumptions about what the game dev needs. I find those assumptions to be uninspiring and somewhat limiting. Based on a number of conversations with ashley, I feel construct is developed with the lowest common denominator in mind. And for something that is supposed to be easy for all, that makes sense. But it makes it hard to make unique, innovative games in the best of circumstances /:


    Uuuugh, this a million times. This type of game engine needs to start at the top and work its way down, like SuperPowers is. Otherwise you're only setting limitations and restraints for the future. /offtopic

    Reminds me of the frustratings "close as won't fix for retrocompatibility" (almost happened for the wrong order of operations!), "close as not a bug but [actually broken] by design" (8 directions everyone, who uses it and who prefer to not use it because of how weird it can feel?) and "the feature you are suggesting relies on another thing we did that is very hard to maintain/unmaintainable so good one but won't happen, maybe in C3 ..." (tilemap, jump-thru) moments we sometime have (added some minor exemples).

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  • I think you have to set the speed first, then the angle, as with a speed of 0 the angle of motion won't be changed (as there is no motion..)

  • I actually think a global layer are separated layers and not one consistent layer that will exist throughout the game (which is indeed not how you might expect them to run), I may be wrong on that one but that would explain it.

    Making the sprite global might work but could be problematic as I do not think it is possible to togle the globality parameter inside the event sheet (and also is not something I'd recommand doing for sprites without a lot of care, basically on ending the layout you would have to destroy the ones that still exists and are not on the global layer).

  • Tokinsom compared to a mouse, a touchscreen might be better from a portability standpoint in terms of quick editing on the fly, also some people prefer working on tblet devices rather than on desktop or laptop ones.

    Of course a keyboard is still better (even though for the most part entering expressions with a touchscreen would not be the hardest thing in the world if portability is a must.)

  • Well for the letterbox issue it really is something that cannot be simply solved with one fit-all solution, so you might try to search for supporting different screen sizes.

    For the background, simple is not an issue, plain white however is too simple I feel, I am thinking of something like the clockwork of the originals castle of illusion for some reason, not saying it should be that but I just think it has the same "automatic movement" feel.

    Also i do not rate games until I am far enough in them or they are complete enough, so for now I cannot give a note for it as I think it would not yet be fair to it.

  • Radulepy here are what I think:

    • The game has... a lack of graphics it seems, I mean there are no backgrounds, the rest seems fine.
    • It was laggy at first, but it became better quickly (I did stop my internet correction as suggested, but I should try again with it enable to see if that has an impact or not).
    • we can move the block constantly, that is something I don't see everyday (generally we have to put the block then launch the physics), it works but I am not sure how the stars works then.
    • the upgrades I did not understood
    • letterbox scaling is sometimes bothering on mobile and tablet
    • the menu could be clearer (the upgrade button was the blinking sprites it seems, and the start button seems like a title, not a big deal but maybe a little work could help).

    I hope that helps.

    Also, ball in box made me think of those:
