andreyin's Forum Posts

  • I'm going to have to agree with this. Construct 2 is great but exporting to mobile can be a huge pain.

    Speaking of which, I am planning on making a small Android game again... is the Intel XDK broken at the moment or will it interact fine with C2 to make Android games?

    I don't export to mobile, but I've heard that the cranberry plugins are broken on IntelXDK and some of the official plugins (like iAP and such) only work on some platforms, so yeah, it's a huge mess..

  • Hi everyone,

    I've been a C2 user since 2011 with the first alpha. I started with Construct Classic in 2009 and I was in love with the tool. So much promise and to make PC games so easily was my dream, and it came through when I finished my first big game and released it on Steam.

    C3 was just announced and I was baffled by the path Scirra chose to take.

    While I don't think paying $99 annually for web-based software is that bad (I'll explain why later), I do think it's a bad deal when you still rely on 3rd party tools to get most of your job done and being an in-browser engine this basically confirms it..

    It would be like Adobe asking users to pay to use Photoshop online, but if you want to save your project as a JPEG file "OOPS you need to go to a random website that does it for free".

    What baffles me the most is that C2/C3 are GAME ENGINES. And in my opinion the next big step for any game engine is being able to deliver a game to multiple platforms. You decide to instead focus on usability. What good is it if the editor is great if I still can't have my game working on a Windows desktop without needing 3rd party tools?

    I clearly remember someone saying on the forums that "C3 would just be an editor overhaul" and Scirra coming over and saying "We never said that. C3 WON'T be just an editor overhaul".

    What is it then? Because nothing you've said differ C3 from C2 so far. No matter how good or what stunts the C3 editor could pull off, or how easy it is to make a game on it, it doesn't matter, at the end of the day you'll still have to depend on so much to get your game on mobile/PCs/consoles it would never be worth it (especially not paying $99 for it).

    Now, if I could pay $99 a year and get my game on consoles, or mobile, or desktop without any trouble, I would gladly do so. I don't even think it's a very bad price, and I don't think subscription based payments are completely bad, but I need to know that I'm not going to make my game and have to wait 6 months because something broke on NW.js or IntelXDK.

    I've seen people on the forums saying it's also not worth it for hobbists, too. This made me think a little as to who is C3 for anyway. Console devs won't be able to get their games on consoles, mobile devs will still rely on either IntelXDK or CocoonJs (and break their game every now and then), desktop devs rely on NW.js (and Scirra's broken Steam plugin) and HTML5 devs will get their game running great until they have to add plugins for an specific site (like Newgrounds or Gamejolt). Hobbists would have to pay $99 for it, and if they made a good game and tried to release it, would still have the problems mentioned above.

    Anyway, this is my rant. I'll probably be changing to another engine focused on getting games across all platforms (probably GMS2 or Unreal) since both allow for console development.

    Yeah, I'm wondering about the exact time.. I'm thrilled!

  • korbaach thanks that's exactly what I needed.

    I wanted the full needed points to be variable though so I used int(current_points/(points_needed/8)).

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm working on a "special attack" bar that has 8 frames. You have to fill up the frames by attacking enemies and getting points.

    I'm trying to figure out how to convert the numbers so I can get the bar animations (0 to 7) using a percentage of the points acquired.

    So for instance, if you need 15.000 points to get the special attack, getting 1.875 points would change the bar sprite to frame 1, if you got 3.750 points the bar would go to frame 2 and so on.

    Any help is appreciated!

  • They've mentioned to me that UWP games are going to happen, but not soon.

  • Are you still looking for work? I'm interested in getting a logo done in the pixel art style. I tried to PM you but I'm new to this site and it wouldn't let me. If you're interested, could you PM me an e-mail address or some alternate way of contacting you? Thanks!

    Hi wubalubadub , I am! You can contact me at .


  • Have you checked the "flying along" template that comes with C2? Just go to File -> New and type "flying along" in the search bar.

    It uses the custom movement behavior.

  • Did you try running it using other browsers? Or maybe NW.js?

  • Just use "on start of layout", isn't it the same? It will run in the first tick..

  • It works if you change the "fullscreen in browser" setting in the project properties window to "letterbox scale" in the first place..

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Got it working thanks to rexrainbow 's spline plugin:

    Only had to add

    "on enemy created -> spline add point (enemy.x,enemy.y)"

    (so it creates a spline point where the enemy itself is created so he begins moving from there)


    "on pathfinding path found -> spline add point (node.x, node.y)"

    (so every new node created is added as a spline point in order of creation)

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm working on a game for LudumDare and I was surprised to know that the official pathfinding behavior does not allow you to move something smoothly in a grid-based map, from tile to tile. Unless I'm missing something.. the way it works right now the sprite will rotate to go to the new direction and this makes it go over the walls in a maze for instance..

    I found this example which is perfect for what I need:


    I tweaked it a bit and I got it working with more than one sprite: ... .capx?dl=0

    But for some reason no other enemy sprites will move while one is already moving and I can't figure out why. I'm sure it's related to the "for each node/for each enemy" loop but I can't get my head around it.

    Any help is appreciated! I've also looked into other plugins/examples but they confused me even more so I was hoping I could make this work.

    How do I make it so all enemies move at the same time?


  • Mostly because it isn't associated as well as pc is with games, or game development.

    What the hell? Where have they said that? Please don't talk in behalf of Scirra especially if they didn't say such thing...

    Why does not Scirra release a Construct 2 for Mac? What is the problem?

    I think it's due to a limitation of Visual Studio 2012, which they use to make C2.

  • This is awsome! I love this kind of style and will deffinatly be using it as soon as I can.

    That example GIF looks great as well. But is it just a mock up or is from an actual game? Cause I would like to play it

    It's a game I'm working on right now but it's still very early.. won't be done for the next few months!