Just heard about, this is amazing news. I've been sitting with a devkit for almost a year now waiting. I'm glad everything turned out ok and that Scirra didn't decide to make this a C3-only plugin or something.
Great! Can you tell us more about what it can do already?
So if we can finally publish games to Xbox without idvmb@xbox it should be possible to upload apps for Xbox, too? Or did someone already successfully upload a c2 app?
In the website it says:
[quote:3nibhj39]The program works with retail Xbox One consoles, so you won’t need a dev kit to get started. For developers who want access to more Xbox Live capabilities and to gain additional development and marketing support for their game, they can enroll in the IDjgx@Xbox program – even after their game ships.
I don't know what they mean by "even after their game ships" but I think you need a idjgx@xbox account to get your game on Xbox One because of the Live capabilities.