andreyin's Forum Posts

  • You could check for another block's position on an offset.

    For instance:

    if (block) is NOT overlapping (block) at (block.Yoffset) + 32 then

    -move (block) +32

    Or you could just use arrays.

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  • Are you using the platform behavior?

    If you are, it would probably be something like:

    +If player touched the screen

    | And screen area that was touched is > than player.X

    • Set Player.VectorX to + 100 (tihs would make him go right)
    • player.platform movement jump (or player.vectorY - 100) (which is up)


    • Same thing but with - 100
    • Same thing (- 100)

    Not sure if this would work, but I think it would.

  • You can use the "wait" action (System -> Wait), but it only works for time.

    What you are asking for sounds more like a sub-event, though.

    For instance, here:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    It checks the selected item variable, and if the player is falling. THEN, if these conditions are met, he checks to see if the player is pressing Z.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I don't know man, I'm trying to make a big game on it and I'm amazed at how well it works. I'm using a bunch of layers, particles, behaviors and whatsoever and nothing has ever crashed with me.


    Before Construct I used MMF to make my games and I lost around 2 or 3 games because MMF decided to crash whenever I opened my projects, after some time.

    Link to that prototype :

  • I prefer the blue ones, they look more professional...

  • andreyin I don't know if that's true. Where did you see that you need that text file?

    I didn't see it anywhere, but I think it's pretty common. Even newer games have an EULA file somewhere, saying what people can and cannot do with their games.

  • Well, at least let's face it: if have made a game that's been ripped off by anyone, your game is probably really good (e.g. Minecraft, Angry Birds).

    In any case, I don't think you can copyright ideas. What squiddster said is right though, all you have to do is include a .txt file with your game saying "COPYRIGHT" or "DISCLAIMER".


  • Start by reading this, it has some good tutorials:

  • I made this in my game, but I think I over-complicated it a bit.

    Here's the code for it:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    And here is a video of it working:

    It's kinda hard to explain what's going on, but if you need any help just ask. I'm sure there must be an easier way though.

    Also I just noticed I left it out of the screen, but "lastDoorType" is just there to see which direction the player must be facing when he comes out.

    Oh, and those "doorX" and "doorY" variables are there to check where the player must be standing when he enters a screen. Every screen has to have a "On start of layout: set player.x to doorX and player.y to doorY".

  • If you uninstall the personal Construct. Then install the free Construct, opt for beta on the Free, restart, it will update the Free to the latest one. Then if you install the Personal Construct it will load as the latest beta version :P

    It's just a workaround, but will do for the moment.

    Thanks, tried it here and it worked!

  • I'd advise you to finish this on Construct Classic, then moving on to a new project on Construct 2.

    Read this:

  • > The version on Steam is the latest. But it's the latest stable version, as in, the most reliable one. The newer ones are beta versions, and they aren't as reliable.


    > You can download both from Steam, just right-click Construct 2, go to properties and select the "beta" tab, and change the option.


    > It doesn't work for me because of some bug.

    I've done this. It just doesn't offer me any beta updates after selecting from the dropdown menu. I've uninstalled construct and downloaed it again from Steam, and it still will install v 114.

    Any other suggestions?

    I got it to work by downloading the latest version from here:

    And installing it on Construct's Steam folder ("c:/program files/steam/steamapps/your name/common/construct 2" or something like that).

    Actually I installed it on a regular folder, then selected everything and copy/pasted onto it's Steam folder, and it worked. Not sure if it's advisable though. I'm pretty sure this is a bug with Steam, since they're new with apps and such.

  • The version on Steam is the latest. But it's the latest stable version, as in, the most reliable one. The newer ones are beta versions, and they aren't as reliable.

    You can download both from Steam, just right-click Construct 2, go to properties and select the "beta" tab, and change the option.

    It doesn't work for me because of some bug.

  • Really weird, I don't have Avast. I use Win8 and Windows Defender, since it comes with it.

    But anyway, I tried that and it seems like it worked (I'm not getting the error anymore), but I still can't download the latest beta from Steam.

    Do I just have to change the option and wait? Or maybe it'll only work when the next beta comes out?

    Thanks Ashley!