AndreasR's Forum Posts

  • Ok, I'll make a subject, thank you

    Great, you're welcome

  • Good day, I perform a ranking / scores screen with a List object as List Box object, it turns out that in the web browser of the computer is displayed correctly, but in the preview of the mobile web browser is shown as Dropdown List. Has this happened to you? You can help?


    this problem has nothing to do with this template. Can you please open a new topic in the "How do I..." topic.

    Thank you!



  • Ok, thanks. Quite disappointing to hear. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> (not your fault of course!)

    Just a quick question then, what is the disadvantage of using the official google play plugin? Since it actually has more features and is included in environment from start, it would be better?

    The basic reason is the cordova support.

    [quote:34h9cpy7]Extra steps for Cordova

    Google Play Game Services are designed to work in a web browser, but it's possible to also configure it to work in Cordova (e.g. when exporting to mobile via PhoneGap Build or the Intel XDK). To set it up for Cordova you'll also need to:

    Fill in the Client secret property with the value from the Google Play Developer Console.

    Add http://localhost as one of the redirect URIs in the API console.

    Remove any uses of On auto-sign in failed. It never triggers in this mode, so you will need to rely on having manual sign-in instead.

    It seems to work, but I have never tried it. I'm using plugins since they were released. Some time later the official Google Play plugin came. But I never had an urge to switch.

    I'm not planning to use the official Google Play plugin in my games, but if I find some time, I'll add a version to this template.

    But feel free to try it on your own (if you want of course) <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">



  • Hmm.. okay. Then Cranberrys plugin is more limited than the c2 official GooglePlay plugin then?

    Since in the original plugin you have this action:

    Request hi-scores

    Request a hi-score list for a given leaderboard. Scores can be returned for public results, or "social" (from users connected to the currently signed in player), and a time limit can be applied such as to return only the day's best scores so far. The top type returns the very highest scores, and the window type returns the scores around the current player's own best score, allowing them to see where they appear in the rankings.

    And then you can use these expressions for instance:



    Return a numerical value, or formatted string, for a score at a given index.


    Return the name of the player associated with the score at an index.

    But that is not possible at all with cranbberys? cranberrygame

    At the moment not. If cranberrygame updates his Cordova Game plugins, then I'll also add those features in my GT2 - Leaderboard.



  • Hi im coming back to developing apps. Back in 2014 i remember i used Admob Promote tab to pay some bucks to promote my app, but now i see there is no more Admob Promote, now it is called Campaign, but i cant understand how do i promote my app with this? I remember before you had to put a daily budget but now there is no way to do that as far as i know, and also why does it make me select an Ad Group when creating the campaign? Im pretty sure i am really not understanding for what this new Campaign thing is used for...

    Can anyone help? I read the Campaign manual in the Google Help section but i left more confused... i tried Googling but can not find any tutorial, nothing new, all 4 or 5 year old articles.

    Sorry for bad English, hope you can understand.


    as far as I know you need to use AdWords. Then your ads will be shown over AdMob.



  • In your game Match3, I can see that you fetch your own high score into the game, but the leaderboard button just opens the GooglePlay screen, with the different leaderboards.

    But in this template, is it possible to fetch the high score lists (different lists like, best of the week, month, ATH, etc) with names and scores into the game itself. Without just opening the GooglePlay screen.

    From the manual for the official GooglePlay plugin that seems to be possible to do.


    it's possible, but this needs to be integrated in the Cocoon Google Play Games plugin.

    You would need to ask ludei (CocoonGooglePlayGames) or cranberrygame (CordovaGame) in order to implement those features.

    I'm not the author of the plugin itself.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.



  • Hi!

    Thanks, that did the trick. I now have:

    Every tick - Set value of variable 'Accuracy' to (100/ShotsFired)*ShotsHit[/code:1n9b8ckm]
    That should be it right?
    Thanks again for your help!
    - R


    I wouldn't use "Every tick" in this case.

    Just add on every shot "1" to "shotsFired" and "1" to "shotsHit", if the bullet hits the enemy.

    Whenever one of those values changes, call a function to calculate the accuracy.

    For instance,

    shotsFired = 10;

    shotsHit = 1;

    Accuracy = 10; //10 %

    On "bullet" collides with "enemy"

    -> Add 1 to "shotsHit" (makes it 2);

    -> Call Function "calcAccuracy";

    On "bullet" created

    -> Add 1 to "shotsFired" (makes it 11);

    -> Call Function "calcAccuracy";

    On function "calcAccuracy"

    -> Set Accuarcy "shotsHit > 0 ? 100/shotsFired * shotsHit : 0" //Short-if -> ("CONDITION ? TRUE : FALSE")

    If the player has 0 shots fired and the function gets called, it would devide by 0 (that's whay there is the short-if to avoid that).

  • > We have a cool guy called AndreasR here who answered your question before you even asked. That's how cool he is <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">


    Yes, he does offer lots of help on the forums, but like many, he leaves a lot of things out.

    Like, in order for your testers to NOT be charged for the IAP's, they have to be added to the testers list, not on the all applications or the game services tabs, but under the settings tab.

    At least thats what i had to do to get mine to work.

    Also, he did ask about testing achievements.


    this is described in the guide that you need to add your testers to the License Tester list. ... se-testers

    Otherwise your testers will be charged for the purchase.



  • Problem Description

    If Construct 2 is running and you start TeamViewer, Construct 2 will freeze and crahs.

    If you restart it afterwards, it works fine. It seem it's just a problem when c2 is running and TeamViewer starts up.

    Attach a Capx

    Not associated with any project

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Start Construct 2
    • Start TeamViewer

    Observed Result

    C2 freezes and eventually crashes.

    Expected Result

    That c2 doesn't crash.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 x64 (TeamViewer 12)

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r241 (also happens with r239 on my end).

  • Demo link Please


    thank you for your hint. I uploaded a demo. You can find it here.


    This asset is outdated. If you still want to purchase it, see this bundle and save 70%. ... dated-3927

  • Can you update demo links please ?


    thank you for your hint. I uploaded a demo. You can find it here.


    This asset is outdated. If you still want to purchase it, see this bundle and save 70%. ... dated-3927

  • Try Construct 3

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  • AndreasR

    Set property "Api key" to "", then the firebase will not be initialized when app/layout started.

    User should call "Action:Initialize" before connecting to firebase server.

    Perfect Thank you for that hint!

  • Hi rexrainbow

    I was wondering if you could add an "Enable" option for the Firebase plugin.

    It causes black screen at my mobile game, but I don't want to remove all the code for it (maybe it will be supported by cocoon later).

    So is it possible to enable / disable to plugin?


    -> Set enabled / disabled

    Thank you!



  • > I made a guide <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    > ... nstruct-2/


    > If you are missing something, let me know.


    > Regards

    > Andy


    That's the one! Does this guide cover the newer webview export?

    Yes it's for the latest XDK version <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    You can also find a video for iOS here.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now



  • Hi,

    sounds interessting, let me know if you still need help!

