AnD4D's Forum Posts

  • Saying that, I'm actually getting a slightly different error now.

    My program grabs a log file from a website. If the file contains specific data, it does something with it. Once done, it deletes the file on the server via a php file I set up.

    I can run the software, see the action take place, then check out my server to see that it is indeed deleted.

    HOWEVER, when I restart the program, it somehow finds and downloads that data AGAIN! Even though it's deleted from my server. How is that possible? Is it somehow grabbing from a cache instead?

  • I was excited to see someone had the exact same issue I had... 5 year ago (?!?!?), and was very quickly disappointed to see that they didn't have a decent resolution.

    See here

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  • To clarify, the software appears to download correctly, as the version number is changing, but it's not downloading the new images and overwriting the old ones.

    I get something like this:

    Is there any reason why it wouldn't replace the old images?

  • Has anyone comes across any issues with their game not downloading the latest version of their code when stored online?

    I found this thread from 3 years ago, where Ashley says "That probably means the server caching settings are wrong, which is the problem you should be solving instead." but I've tried 3 different web servers and still get the error from time to time.

    I often run my code from OBS's Browser plugin, which seems to store cache indefinitely, which is a pain, but when I do download the latest version of my code, all of the sprites are wrong, as though it's loading from the wrong spritesheet.

    The only way I've been able to fix this is to delete the offline and sw files, forcing a new download every time, but this is far from an adaquate solution.

    Anyone experienced anything like this before? I'd love to finally have a solution.

  • Anyone know how to do this? I'd have thought it would be built into Construct already.

    I know there's a plugin that is said to do this... but IMO it's not very good/useful. Even in their example, if you have a precreated tilemap, then edit it in realtime, it DESTROYS your previous work.

    The plugin is old, so there's a chance Scirra have added in this somewhere, and I'm just not spotting it.


  • Thanks! I'll either set it up to stop the layout from being changed during those waits, or I'll rework it to get it to work without the waits.

  • Yeah, this is my time consuming solution, which I'm trying to avoid.

    At the moment my code reads as:

    A > Wait > B > Wait > C Wait > D

    If I manually add in a timer, it'll need to read:

    A > If Var = A & Counter = 0 > B > If Var = B & Counter = 0 > C

    Etc... etc...

    I was hoping there was some way that construct maintained the wait, even between layouts.

  • If I have something happen at the start of the layout, then add in a WAIT 10 seconds command and trigger something else... if I change the layout before those 10 seconds have passed, the event chain breaks.

    Is there a way to stop this from breaking? I mean, I understand that it makes sense the way it is, but on my program, it breaks things.

    Is there a way to make the eventsheet global, somehow? So it runs on its own?

    I can think of ways around this, but they require a massive amount of effort :( Had I thought of this being an issue ahead of time, I would have planned for it... but I'd rather know if there was a quick and easy solution to my issue, before I have to tear everything apart and essentially re-write 200 events :(

    EDIT - In before someone tells me about shared events sheets. This sheet is already shared.

  • Occasionally I use multiple saves of the same project to compare code, backups, etc.

    How can I see which project is which? Say I have 2 of the same projects open, one called Save01 and one called Save02, but Construct refers to both as "Save", after it's project name.

    I want to find out which is Save02. How do I do that without closing the project and reloading it, and manually keeping track?

    The same goes for the open recent tool. It only shows the names of projects you've recently OPENED. So say I open Save74, do a load of work on it, then save it as Save75, close Construct and come back the next day, only Save74 appears in my recent list.

    The number of times I've continued working on an older save, only to realise that Construct simply hasn't updated the Recent list is getting to the point where it's frustrating, to say the least.

    Add that to the inability to find out which project is which save, and it's a big mess. Simple changes for very useful improvements.

    While we're at it, let's throw in the fact that when you try to load a project, a big cancel button appears... which gets locked out from the loading process... which then vanishes once it's loaded. Why is that cancel button even there if it's going to get locked?

  • When I try to send an image using multiplayer in preview mode, it works, but when the game is hosted online, the data doesn't actually get sent.

    I assume it's because the path isn't actually correct.

    Does any know how to get this working?

  • In Construct 2, if I ever wanted to make a local multiplayer game using gamepads, I would have a for 0 to 3 loop occur, then my action would read similar to the following:

    (Gamepad.Axis(loopindex, 0)

    This used to mean that which ever gamepad moved, it would control the sprite. This allowed me to then add in addition events that would determine which character moved.

    However, in testing this out on Construct 3, when a loopindex is used, the sprite remains still unless my for loop is 0 to 0.

    Am I missing something? I'm certain this used to be acceptable.

  • are you using ssl on your server? it might need that to connect from the exported version.

    I am using SSL. The two programs are different. Think of one as a game, and the other as a controller.

    The strange thing is, if I open the HOST program up in Chrome rather than OBS, it all works fine.

    This was working in OBS prior to the latest Construct 3 update.

    I just find it odd that the remote still connects in preview, but not in Chrome.

    *I should point out that I've tried using OBS Studio, Streamlabs OBS and many others that use the Chromium browser, and this is only a recent issue.

  • Is there a major difference between the HTML5 export and the preview within Construct 3?

    I have created a multiplayer program (HOST) that needs to be run within OBS Studio using their Browser Source plugin.

    I then have another app (PEER) that controls it via a web browser.

    Sometimes it will work, but most of the time, the app refuses to connect.

    Both programs are hosted on my web server.

    I thought that OBS was the problem, but I note that if I try to connect via Construct's preview, it works perfectly every single time. I can then disconnect, and try to connect via html and it'll fail to connect again.

    This also happens if I try to run the multiplayer pong game in the same manner.

    So yeah, my question is... what is the major difference between an HTML5 export and a preview that might stop this from working?

    Are there some settings I can turn on or off to improve the connection between the two?

  • In the meantime you should still be able to log in to a different room with a different name, because that counts as a different user, not two cases of the same user.

    Unfortunately, this doesn't work for me. My program generates a room based on a Twitch username, and for an external user to access the room, all they need to know is the user's username. If I suddenly change the name or room there's no way to pass that information on to the peers.

    I suppose mine is a unique problem, and not worth fixing.

    You mention that it will eventually timeout the previous login. Is there any way to force that, or perhaps any way to find out how long that will take?

  • This is all very interesting... but let's go back to my initial question.

    "but what if the signalling server goes down?"

    I understand that at present you should leave the room BEFORE leaving the signalling server... but why doesn't Construct have measures in place to sort this out?

    Why is there even an action in Construct that will completely break a feature?

    If someone chooses to leave the signalling server before leaving a room, why doesn't Construct leave the room first automatically? In my tests, it takes 0.4 seconds to do that. Any less, and things break again. If it detects that we're in a room when we lose access to the signalling server, why isn't there some kind of safety in place to stop the multiplayer plugin from breaking entirely.

    You all keep talking to me as though I'm not understanding what you're saying, while steering around my actual question. I mean, the solutions you're offering me is exactly what is already in my code!

    For example, while testing this out, I unplugged my ethernet cable. How do you code for that? What if your ISP goes down? What if you have a power cut? Hell, what if you switch from wifi to 4g?

    At present the only result is "Entirely break the multiplayer plugin, requiring your app to be reset!"

    How is that an acceptable answer?

    I was playing Apex the other day, and lost connection. When it recovered, I was able to join the game again immediately. They didn't expect me to quit Apex and reload it.