I tried deleting all the spritefonts and associated code from my game, then made a new spritefont to try and get it to wrap. But it's still not working?
Mabye its a problem with the way I'm doing it?
Or perhaps it could be a problem with sprite I'm choosing, it has 92 frames and for the range I'm doing is everything from 'Space - z' .
EDIT: Figured it out!!! For some reason it was to do with the range I was choosing, I narrowed down the range to "a-z" and started at frame 66, and wordwrap started working! So maybe I'll just choose narrower range of characters that I'll actually use.
<img src="http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1024727/worketh.png">
EDIT 2: Okay, I figured out you can actually choose any range, but you can't choose the first one "space". So every other character can be included in range. So I can choose !-Z instead of space-z and it will work greatly! It's just 'space' that is the problem character that you can't include in range.