aicreator's Forum Posts

  • I want to create a search engine which when given a list of words along with the name of that list can filter all the English words inside that list and then store that information for retrival and accept only a certain queries,For example-

    1)List name-"Colours"

    Words inside the list-"टोपी,बरसाती,जोड़ी,मोज़े",

    Queries-"How any words in the Colour list contain ी"

    Information-"3 words"


    2)List name-"Colours"

    Words inside the list-"टोपी,बरसाती,जोड़ी,मोज़े",

    Queries-"How many three letter words in the Colour contain ी"

    Information-"3 words"


    And so I want this search engine to be able to filter words by List,Its Number of letters letters contained by a word,by symbols contained by a word in the words of a chosen list and also by the order of the symbols in the unfiltered words of a chosen list for example-Query-"Which word or words contain ी as its first symbol" and also to be able to sort by the number of symbols in a word(from the highest or from the lowest) and also by the number of words in a letter.

    Along with the outputs to be with bullet points with one word on each line along with a button and a difficulty slider with a drop down list containing the options "Having Difficulty with the order of letters"and "Having difficulty with symbol in the letter" which can be stored and due to this the search engine can have to another option "Colour and sort words by difficulty" where it will colour and sort symbols and the order of the symbols which the user finds difficult which can be coloured and sorted according to the difficulty rating given by the user and I request the community to make this search engine along with the changes they want to make to help others to learn different languages as this tool will be very useful for people who want to learn a new language and immediately improve the accuracy of their spelling as by using this tool they can quickly find which symbols are mostly used when writing colours or other types of information according to their number of alphabets,Thank You.

  • Yes,As partial explanation the commands which I have given above will make it significantly easier to work with loops and other things and they can be used to easily create many useful things,Which can be easily thought like for example-A code run counter,A text converter,conditional code runner,A data extractor.

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  • Sorry newt but can you explain your post better.

  • Yes,However I have seen that most of problems posted in the "How do i do" sections of Construct 3's fourm are solved by Loops,Use of Booleans to control which code is triggered when.And the commands which I have posted above will make it significantly easier to solve those problems ourself without having to refer to the "How do i do" section of the Fourm.

    And I also believe that most if not some of the users which had posted those questions had problems with loops,RegEx and also in complex cases of using booleans.And working with these will be made significantly easier with some if not all of those commands which I have posted above.

    And Ashley,Can you please tell me about some of the problems with my idea so that I can improve it.

    Ashley I have also thought of this command for form objects which is-

    Set Image to(File Name),Cheers.

  • Well,@Ashley and Tom can you tell me weather these actions along with an editor and an expression can be added to Construct 3 and if not can you please tell me why so that i can improve my idea.

  • Would you all like an editor in Construct 3 with these commands which I believe will make at least half of the problems whose solutions are found on the Construct forums very easy to solve -

    1)Boolean- a) wait for true,Disable event until true

    b)Increment (Number Variable)

    c)for each(Toggle set to true/Toggle set to false)

    2)Regex- a)"Extract (Alphabet,Word,Sentence,Paragraph) if variable contains("")"

    3)Data Conversion- a)Convert text to number

    b)Convert number to text

    c)Convert Date to text

    d)Convert date text to number

    4)Loops- a)Loop until

    a1)"Extract" Found

    a2)Letter Number

    a3)Word Number

    a4)Sentence Number

    a5)Paragraph Number

    b)Loop until end of string

    c)Replace word by (String/Variable) if(word contains ""/Variable)

    d)Stop if contains(number/variable/string)

    e)Loop from(Alphabet No/Letter No,Sentence No,Whitespace No,last Whitespace no(Variable or Number) before text,Whitespace (Variable or Number) after text.

    5)Data Extraction-a)Extract Pixel Colour(From x,From y)

    b)Extract First Text after a whitespace or white spaces

    Expression-Any Colour,Any Size,(For removing the need to manually specify all these properties in your project in case you want construct 3 to make an event run for any property without having to specify all the properties of your project manually,Cheers.

  • Well I am considering requesting other helpful people who know how to code to make some highly voted addons of the Construct Ideas and Suggestion platfotm and then upload them to help the community,You can do the same if you like. Thus will help other people and I have great faith that this will be done with some work from some of the community as it is rightly said that "Faith without works is dead" and have a nice day.

  • Some times a user wants to transition between different colours(for example the colours of a sprite) but then tge user nay have to input vastly different RGB colour codes which can be hard to manage and storing different properties in a property container and attaching them with an ID to be recalled later with expressions can help some users along with some property detection conditions like "Is Colour","Is Angle" can help a large number of people when combined with tags which contain actions(Incivible,Pickup etc) with some systems like Shop,UI Input and Settings abd pre made layouts can reduce the amount of code blocks which the user will have to write in order to create their game and if I will see a lot of demand for this feature then I will request Ashley for adding this feature to Construct 3,Cheers.

  • An action for tagging events-"Tag Event" can tag a event group with an ID(Typed by the user) and can pass it to an variable.

    A condition for checking weather a sequence of events have occurred- "Has event sequence happened" along with actions to deactivate event groups with a specific ID which is defined by the user-"Deactivate event group(with ID)" which can be inverted to activate events with an ID.

    An action to toggle the state of an event group from activated to deactivated and from deactivated to activated"Toggle Event group state(by ID)"

    An Advantage of these actions and a condition when used with the "On nth tag executed" event(Which will require tags to be attached to events) will be be the ability to conditionally activate and deactivate events groups from the start or until some events have run which will give the users Construct 3 more control on which events to run and stop and after which sequences of actions to do that.

    How is your response to the actions and conditions mentioned above,Will they make it easier for you to work with Construct 3 and if the demand for these actions and a condition is very high then I will be able to request Ashley to add them to Construct 3 and Please suggest improvements for these actions and a condition which I have written to make them more useful,Cheers.

  • Ashley I think you have misunderstood what I have said,There are already game streaming services like Google Stadia which can help users play games which are streamed and there can be a button in the Construct 3 previewer to finalize the values of properties(from other game engines) and hide the properties editor of that game from both the game developer and the player of their games and this streaming can also contain some metadata about the objects being streamed(For example-Position,Image,Colour etc to identify them along with tags) allowing Construct 3 to filter(by the user's choice) which objects to stream and also when to stream them and the advantage of this feature or other similar features giving the same results and it can provide Construct 3 with many new features and out of them some can take years to develop.Maybe this feature can also be used for streaming the projects of other open source game engines which compete with Construct 3 but are not do not have the features which Construct has there by saving those game engines from death and also providing their features to the users of Construct(Perhaps with a custom editor with the buttons streamed from those open source game engines to complete a single or multiple tasks).

  • Well Ashley even if this might not be possible I believe through a plugin Unity can stream a running project to a Construct 3 project by using Internet and there are some plugins for Unity that can allow game developers to edit and save their game projects at runtime with supported properties(in their projects) without having to go back to the editor which can help construct 3 to access at least some properties of any Unity game project(for example-Position,Rotation,Scale,Colour etc) and Constrct 3 users can also edit the properties of a steamed Unity game project and save it without even having to use Unity by taking advantage of automation(for editing properties) and game streaming(for streaming a running playable Unity game project,and this can also be done offline in the users desktop) behind the scenes and Ashley can you tell me whether this idea is feasible?.

  • Will you all like a feature for converting the Unity,Unreal,Game Maker project files into Construct 3 Project files,Can you please give your response and If most of your responses are positive then I will post about this feature in Construct's Ideas and Suggestions platform while taking your feedback into account,Cheers.

  • I want to implement a checker in Construct 3 which takes in a number and tests weather its divisible by 7 by a new mathamatics a formula(A divisiblity rule for 7) from this and many other similar websites- and also shows its method in a text box in Construct 3 and can you help me with this?.

  • I am trying to create a program which can convert numbers into text on the click of a button and then display them on the text box object with the following rules-











    And the first two digits should be converted into the text mentioned above while the other two digit numbers should get an a in between,And the number 11 should be converted into the text "loe" while the the number 00 should be converted into the text "loe" ,

    Note that this method is mine but it was made by a user called erikfromhollandErik de Jong from a form called The Art of Memory and I cae to know about it from this website,Thanks.

  • Ashley i have a feature request of a software with a visual editor which can easily let users send and receive API calls to get data from web services and computer programs and that software could also contain actions,conditions and events for editing Construct 3 or for passing data to Construct 3,for example-The software can be made to access data from many AI services and AI software for different things like Image Segmentation(For breaking down a sprite into smaller parts),Image Generation(For art generation),Semantic Image Synthesis(For converting doodles into art),Image Super Resolution(For increasing the resolution of images),Text Generation(for generating text),Image Translation (For converting sprites of players to enemies and vice versa) and convert them into compatible formats - Images for sprites,Text for the text object or even arrays or dictionaries,With this software if it is easy to use people will be able to add many features to Construct 3 by themselves without having to do most of the feature development themselves or hire other people like other data scientists for developing features which require Neural Networks and Deep Learning and people can also sell the creations which they have made in the Scirra store,Note-There are many software and websites which can do the things which I have listed above and you can find out their names by Googling about them and you can even use them for generating interesting content for your comments,Cheers.