Would you all like an editor in Construct 3 with these commands which I believe will make at least half of the problems whose solutions are found on the Construct forums very easy to solve -
1)Boolean- a) wait for true,Disable event until true
b)Increment (Number Variable)
c)for each(Toggle set to true/Toggle set to false)
2)Regex- a)"Extract (Alphabet,Word,Sentence,Paragraph) if variable contains("")"
3)Data Conversion- a)Convert text to number
b)Convert number to text
c)Convert Date to text
d)Convert date text to number
4)Loops- a)Loop until
a1)"Extract" Found
a2)Letter Number
a3)Word Number
a4)Sentence Number
a5)Paragraph Number
b)Loop until end of string
c)Replace word by (String/Variable) if(word contains ""/Variable)
d)Stop if contains(number/variable/string)
e)Loop from(Alphabet No/Letter No,Sentence No,Whitespace No,last Whitespace no(Variable or Number) before text,Whitespace (Variable or Number) after text.
5)Data Extraction-a)Extract Pixel Colour(From x,From y)
b)Extract First Text after a whitespace or white spaces
Expression-Any Colour,Any Size,(For removing the need to manually specify all these properties in your project in case you want construct 3 to make an event run for any property without having to specify all the properties of your project manually,Cheers.