aicreator's Forum Posts

  • This is a combination of two ideas Bionic Reading and Speed Reading(Pointer Reading) which are not mine and I am thinking of a free project in which people can paste text and have it bold the first three letters of all the words in a sentence and then gradually highlight only the bolded words in each sentence with color with the bold part of upto 3 words highlighted simultaneously and this project if it works can help others to read faster and I had previously tried to highlight the first three letters of each word in a sentence for a few hours but failed,


    Have a Great Day.

  • Is possible to drive over the "3D Shape" object like we can drive over Sprites ?,

    I am making a free project in which people drive over wedges in the Ghost Racer template in which there will be lecture slides over the wedges and maybe students will be able to solve MCQs displayed above the wedges with coloured text by pressing one of the(Q/S) keys in there keyboard,

    Trust me driving even though lecture slides that are displayed at the forefront of wedges is a great experience and I believe that driving over them will be an even greater experience like how its done in race games,

    In the game the speed of driving is slown when driving through the wedges and it will be slown when driving over the wedges as in the final game people will be able to drive over the wedges instead of driving through them,

    Link to a previous post of mine with the project-


    Have a Very Nice Day.

  • Edit- I had incorrectly remembered the name of the "3D Shape" object as "3D Object" which was an incorrect information and I was not able to post my results at 12/3/22 but I would gotten 74% at mine maximum.

    I had made changes to the Ghost Racer template in which after the player collides with an 3d shape that turns into a wedge but the racer instead of driving over that wedge goes inside it(I made this project to revise for my exams using games and you can copy my changes if you want but I want the player to be able to drive over the 3d shape which is a square that turns into wedge when the player comes into contact with it and above that wedge I intend to add lecture slides to be able to revise them quickly in my race, and I was not able to add lecture slides in this project because they may had been copyrighted and I will add them as soon as I will know how to solve that problem or somebody will provide me with its solution as it happens by some people in this forum and I have made this project for getting better marks in my exam and this it might help some people, I will provide the results of learning with this game soon,

    Note-Gamified Learning had improved the average marks of students from 79% to 91% in a study according to research paper from the year of 2009 and so I am eager to test that study myself,

    I will post the results soon after learning from that game and taking many practice tests before my exams within 12/03/22,


    Have a Great Day.

  • Thank You.

  • I am creating a project to practice remembering words in which each time a forward button is clicked an extra word is displayed in the text box but each time a "back" button is clicked a word is removed from the textbox,

    Problem- Each time I am clicking the back button a word is not being removed from the textbox and I had tried to get my computer count the number of characters in the last token and then remove those characters from the text but this is not working.

    What I want to do- Given the text in a variable with only on word showing in my textbox I want that whenever I click the forward button one word be added to the textbox and whenever I click "Back" one word should be removed from the textbox with those words being extracted from the text in my variable sequentially.

    And below is the link for the file

    And I think that it will be good for practicing the word by word memorization of text,


    Have a Great Day.

  • I have inserted publically available code(document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0].playbackRate =16) which is well known in order to speed up Youtube Playback to 16x by using the Youtube API example and I have seen that after some time of getting used to it(It Works!),

    And if I increase the Playback Speed on Youtube to double the speed also doubles,However I want the speed to increase even more,How can I do this?,

    Maybe this will require the Youtube API commands,I will also like to be able to paste URLs from Google Chrome at the click of a button(The Reward: You get to post this example to any store you want with or without credit),

    How this can work,

    People can search Youtube from that app(Using iframe)

    Once they go to a video they can click on a button to take them to another iframe having the link of the Youtube video which will play it on click at a greater than 2x speed with a customized buffer limit of Youtube,

    Can anybody make this app that person can sell it if he wants,However I hope that he will give a free trail or will post a code for using that app for free for a few days and I think that almost anyone or anyone with the knowlage of Javascript can do this,

    As per my knowledge there is no such thing available in mobile for doing this and there are already companies software for sale in desktop to increase the playback speed of videos in the desktop but only upto 16x and not in mobile,

    And, Parts of everything except I think that the Playback speed part is already done(The part of increasing Playback speed by greater than 2x in Youtube) and so I think that this Software or App can be done,

    Link of the project file




  • Well dop2000 I had tried increasing the width of the sprite and when I entered the words "Software Software" in the input box I got the results which are below-

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  • Well dop2000 I have seen that some characters repeat in most if not all version of Mind Palace Synthesia which I believe is a bug and the spritefont displayed does not use the full capacity of the Spritefont object at its current size(which is 8 characters as in the word "Software") and they most of the time the SpriteFont displays 5 characters instead of 8 Characters,and dop2000 can you solve these two problems in bold as I failed to solve the first problem and the second problem is beyond my capacity to solve which is a partial version of my main and original problem against completing this project,


  • Sorry dop2000,I meant Scirra Arcade,And thanks for your help,


  • I want to resize the images of Spritefont object automatically just like the way it can be done with Sprites but, when I resize the SpriteFont object but when I try to do that the images either get cut or stop displaying.

    Summary Question : How can I resize Sprite Fonts in the same way I can resize Sprites without getting cut or blank images ? ,


  • Well dop2000 can I post the project below to Sricca Arcade and the link of that project is below-


  • Well,@dop2000 I have one last request for this app which is to add an option to allow the user to change the speed of the text being displayed per minute which currently is 4 images per second or 240 image sper minet which can also be read and while I had tried to add a WPM adjuster to my project but I was not able to succeed as in my attempts the speed was either too fast or because of my added events the images did not display and I have added a textbox in this project and if logic is added on it them by it the speed of the images being displayed can be changed making reading using this app faster,

    And below is the link to this app-
