7Soul's Forum Posts

  • It think ticks are client dependent, ie a tick on a high speed four core processor might be shorter than on an old x86...

    But maybe Ashley could answer this.

    Yes, ticks vary depending on your system speed and browser speed. That's why you should use dt in your events, to account for that variance and provide a consistent gameplay

  • This is because a tick is faster than a second, so these events will run at different times. A tick, at 60 frames per second, happens 60 times in a second, as you would expect.

    But now, tell me what you want to happen, because I don't understand :I

  • Some admin or mod could fix the links formatting please?

    I'll add this:


    A series of on-line image and music editing and creating

  • Try int(1*dt) I put the 1 just as a good practice. Changing it to 1000, for instance, would give you the milliseconds

  • Because of delta-time probably, read this for more info: Delta time tutorial

    You should replace the event with

    Every tick >

    -> Add 1*dt to varTime

    -> Set text to str(varTime)

    Someone correct me if there's anything wrong here

  • I'm making a game with similar movement for my rotary compo game

    By using this expression:

    X = centerX + sin(a/pi)*radius

    Y = centerY + cos(a/pi)*radius

    Where a is the period of the movement

    You get this:

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/uzv1U.jpg" border="0" />

    World.X/Y is the center of the level

    Speed (global var) is speed + playerX (which is changed by pressing left/right)

    Height (global var) is height + playerY (or can be a fixed value, for constant distance)

  • This is a great blog post, talking about whats HTML5, its technologies and all you need to know about it. It even mentions Construct 2 :D


  • Alright then, thanks for the help everybody

  • Consider making the level off-screen and not wrapped around, which handles all the physics.

    There are no physics in my game

    And, is there such way to bend objects?

  • I'm not sure what I did, and even if this is a solution to the problem, but on line 2, change

    Set UID_CommonArray to BaseArray.UID


    Set UID_CommonArray to BaseArray.UID + 1

  • It's for my rotary compo game, the level is made on photoshop, and is round. Here's a picture of a level:

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/h9b6N.png" border="0" />

    Left: the level

    Right: what I'm doing now

    I have to create a sprite for each shape, import into construct, set the polygons and cover the level with them.

    So, right now I have 32 collision objects on a level (12 unique, the rest are instances) and each has 4~8 vertices

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • The object is static, but the layout is rotating

  • Just simple non-physics collision between the player and the objects

  • What is more cpu-intensive: 100 objects with 4 polygon points, or one object with 400 points?

  • Bem-vindo, mas na pr�xima, use o t�pico oficial de apresenta��o ;)

    Welcome, but next time post on the official "introduce yourself" topic