2dchaos's Forum Posts

  • Ejecta support, that's awesome ;] Was on my wishlist

    Gamecenter works really well, but it may take some time for your achievements to update. For scoring, it's much better than using external systems.

  • Yeah, I coudn´t export it myself, there are something about java missing and I´m feeling lazy about doing something about it.

    As russpuppy said, you need to insert the

    <script type="text/javascript" src="wm.js"></script> line on your index.html

  • Hi there, just so you know, Marmalade, a new wrapper that supports HTML5 is giving free 1 year licenses while GDC lasts.

    You can check it out here:


    The code is GDCFREE

  • Hear Fimbul please. An IDE SDK should be the next priority, that would open doors for many cool IDE plugins, even some commercial, supported ones.

    And, why the hell are you talking about Windows XP? o_o Bejesus, people only use that on their office networks, who are too lazy to update.

  • posting just to recommend andre yin ;] great working with you dude

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  • I feel that everytime I use C2 to make a game, it get´s closer to my dream tool, but then I hit a big stone wall and have to rethink all my game. After multiplayer I really hope the focus to be on monetization(some of us want to make a living) and feature completion. More system expressions, more control over the insides of the product and much less use of 3rd party wrappers, that have been quite unreliable in those past 2 years.

    Also, I´ve seen many times the "We´re a 2 man team" answer, but after 2 years and 1 bajillion downloads, isn´t it time to get more investiment/people on the team? You can´t be a serious contender for Unity/Game Maker with two guys for too long. o_o

  • I don´t get your point newt, why all the plugins would have to be rewritten? We´re talking about the possibility to import an Iso .TMX file from Tiled, not projecting a 2d tilemap on a isometric grid. That, I agree would be too much work.

    The way it is now, it´s almost impossible to edit a isometric map in a sane way.

  • I made an example of how to draw isometric map to two tilemaps. For any efficient use you probably have to make your own editor or maybe you could make the level on normal tilemap and load it from there. It's still work around solution and I would't have anything against this . With this method your tileset would use double the memory necessary. Also as far as I know there is no way to load tileset at runtime and I would very much like this.

    Download example

    thanks for the example ;] hope we can have a native solution soon

  • Any news on that? Maybe after the multiplayer cycle?

  • Issues:

    • Keep me logged in doesn´t work
    • this:[attachment=0:2r99t4rl][/attachment:2r99t4rl]

    I´m using the last version of chrome ;]


  • a plugin for Spine is necessary, no matter if a plugin for Spriter already exist ;]

  • Any plans of implementing Iso tilemaps in the future, imported from Tiled? Any interest in doing a plugin for it maybe? Our main alternatives when working in 2d are topdown, sidescroller and Isometric. It´s kind of a bummer to be left without the last.

  • on something > play the animation "braking"

    on animation "breaking" finished > reset layout

  • 1- Mopub is like a gateway for various ad providers, including admob ^^ There´s a guide on cocoonjs site of how to set it up.

    2 - Yes, it provides the standar 320x50 and full screen banners for tablet and phones.

    3 - I heard leadbolt and admob are the most profitable ;o

    4 - Amazon, Play, Itunes App Store, Tizen. If you´re interested in desktop, gamejolt, kongregate and newgrounds are a must too ;D

    Hope this helps, I had the same doubts a while ago ~_~

  • Hey rex, thanks again for a life-saving plugin.

    Is there any way to apply a style for certain words based on the mouse position, for example?

    Like, when the user clicks the a word inside a text object, the word becomes bold.