1mrpaul1's Forum Posts

  • the trailer for the game is done. the game also

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  • Construct and Animate updates, as you can see, are similar.

    the word in word, letter in the letter

    Current Construct updates are Animate updates

    Meanwhile, Construct is farther and farther from competitors.

    I think it is unfair to the people who invest their time in construct and believing in the engine.

    You want to make new software, good, but not by dropping the main engine

    Especially when your distribution model is a subscription. Where time is money

  • Good news, hope you will share your solution

  • What else do we need?

    we need to change the Playable structure.

    For now, playables are saving as one file in base64 format.

    it is right for Facebook, but, images and sounds are heavy in the base64 compression.

    and facebook is require the main index file as base64 format and folders for resources in zip archive.

    so, in theory, if construct could export scripts in base64 with the resources in folders, Facebook will accept the playable. and the size of the playable will be normal, as long as we are excluded resources from base64 compression.

    And it is how facebook expected to see the playable.

    For now, facebook can't understand the structure of the file and can't load resources

  • 1. Construct games are big. Very big. Bigger than playable got to be.

    But for sure you can make something very primitive, without graphics, sounds, animations, or additional behaviors, too much code. something as a bad-quality picture with a button

    2. no API for the most ad networks

    3. Facebook thinks that construct games are a some sort of virus and block it haha

    So, if you were able to fight the first 2 reasons, 3rd one will stop you in any case because almost all playable ads are posting through Facebook

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  • How did you make the lighting on the texture?

  • We need an option to set Z order at runtime. Not just put on top/bottom, and on the top/bottom of some objects, it is only for simple basic cases and still not enough for normal big games.

    For example, I have a hero with skeletal animation, where all parts stay in a specific order, in this case, I will not be able to sort Z order with other objects on the scene. The character parts will be mixed

    If we had "set Z order to" feature ...

    we could use something as set Z-order of "Hand" to the "Body" Z index + 3

    if we know that difference between body and hand is a 3 positions

    But of cause, it also could be very complex. And better we need something as a "Symbol" in Flash, or "Prefab" in unity, to be able to handle a bunch of actors as one object with one rotation point, one z order etc.

    By the way, you are doing Animation editor, and it is a top priority feature there. Without it, you will never do normal animations.

    We have the "hierarchy" option, yes, but it is so hard to use, and again, there is no Z order snapping. ANd again, characters with skeletal animation are not possible in the Timelines, because it is a big pain to create copies of the character, there is a lot of crazy bugs. And most important we can't mirroring the character, because after mirroring the timeline animation is breaking.

  • this method is working, with a little addition, we got add the scale of the layer to the the "canvas to layer" value

    layer's scale is 0.9 so, I got to multiply the value by 1.11

    Thank you a lot

  • How to get distance between two objects on the different layers if one layer is without parallax and 100% scale (UI layer) while other layer is with parallax and scaled

  • Added sounds into the game

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  • It's already supported for all web exports, assuming you have a secure (HTTPS) host.

    Oh, I didn't explain right

    Yes, we can install the game through browser menu, but I'm about to add some in-game button, or banner with a message that makes app install easier

    Because not every user knows about this feature

    And this is a big problem of the html5 games on mobile

    Hard to return to the game, small screen because of browser menus

    So, ingame button could be handy

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  • I wonder, is it possible to install our game as an app

    we can do it with construct itself, so, I think it is possible in theory, for our games too

  • Looking great so far!

    Maybe this is of interest for you: https://drububu.com/miscellaneous/voxelizer/?out=obj

    Hi, Thank you

    Is it your software?

  • Making a big game now

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    doing art in 3D, then use it as sprites

    here is the process of creating the models

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    today, did dynamic lighting, using normal map plugins.

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