Add an array with a width of 30 and a variable number
for start index 0, endindex 29
number = int(random(loopindex))
Set Array.At(loopindex) to number
far greater chance of filling the array with lower numbers, and 30 may come up only once, probably not at all.
Then you would just pick a random number from this array
Probably quicker than advanced random plugin which I have never needed, but depending on your needs which are not 100% clear you may be better off with the plugin
a single action like choose (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,1,2) can do the job too In that example 1 has a 50% chance of coming up, 3 has only 10% chance
I have all parts in the array already, and the list is already sorted.
As for me will be ideal something as
Random from (1,30) where parts that are closer to 30 will be selected rarer than parts from the side of number 1