Howdy folks, bet you’ve all been grateful to not have weekly notifications about my ramblings. Well, here we go, they’re starting up again! For this, the first...
I now know how I can call functions from within the dialogue, and I’m working on a way to use timelines and the MoveTo behaviour in a similar way to trigger things like cutscenes. That’s progressing quite nicely actually. Then my next challenge is branching dialogue.
Nice, I'm pretty interested in how you did that :)
It's not actually made it into the main game yet so I may have to make changes, but the basic version is discussed in this tutorial. :)
Nice. I've actually done something very similar for Spritefont Deluxe (which has been released for free on the C3 addon exchange platform
In that gif, I use functions to change the animation for the face
And in the string it's just a function tag, like any other typewriter tag.
I've also written a super complete dialogue system for my game (that I won't use in the end) that supports choice, languages, branching dialogue and many other very cool things
I'll probably do a tutorial or course about how to do and use all that when I have some time.
I really need to look at Spritefont Deluxe in more detail, you've really put together a great plugin with that.
It'd be great to see how you built your dialogue system if you do get the time for a tutorial. There are so many ways of doing this sort of thing, it's nice to compare methods sometimes.