Howdy folks, bet you’ve all been grateful to not have weekly notifications about my ramblings. Well, here we go, they’re starting up again! For this, the first...
Nice. I've actually done something very similar for Spritefont Deluxe (which has been released for free on the C3 addon exchange platform
In that gif, I use functions to change the animation for the face
And in the string it's just a function tag, like any other typewriter tag.
I've also written a super complete dialogue system for my game (that I won't use in the end) that supports choice, languages, branching dialogue and many other very cool things
I'll probably do a tutorial or course about how to do and use all that when I have some time.
I really need to look at Spritefont Deluxe in more detail, you've really put together a great plugin with that.
It'd be great to see how you built your dialogue system if you do get the time for a tutorial. There are so many ways of doing this sort of thing, it's nice to compare methods sometimes.