Auto-tiling, usability improvements & lots more.
Love the addition of auto-tiling.
I like the interface especially that you can create multiple auto-tile brushes within the same tilemap and that you can create variety by picking different tiles with probabilities, even though i don't think this is actually working right now?!
A problem I found with the auto-tiling brush is that it only considers edges and not corners, so while it is great that we can use bitwise tilesets with 16 tiles and blob tilesets with 47 tiles we can't actually draw all combinations possible with the 47 blob tileset
Are there plans to make these auto-tile brushes usable on runtime via code?
It's definitely a good start to a long awaited feature, can't wait to have it available in the next stable release
I think the UI demonstrated at the bottom of this page would be a good solution to make it possible to draw all the combinations possible with the 47 tiles brush.