railslave's Forum Posts

  • Fixed (thank the sweet Lord)

    Exported with Brute and didn't min scripts.

  • Hi all, I have an issue exporting a game (node and html) that uses Q3d.

    It doesn't even use it all that much, just a little minimally interactive space walk section (with 1 3d model repeated ).

    I'm exporting and there is just an endless black screen, its not even crashing.

    However I never had any issues previewing via Chrome.

    anybody else have any experience of this ?

    (I should have check waay earlier tbh, we are pretty far into development)


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  • Any one else had issues exporting to node with this ? (could be the other things i'm using :Ie requesting text to speech, ajax stuff)

  • Tried rendering the 3d behind C2 canvas, still no luck with a 2d HUD. Any ideas ? Would it take a "3d sprite" being placed on the camera every tick ?

  • Are 2d sprite HUD's do-able ? Tried a few ways

  • railslave

    adjust the camera far clipping plane. (note that you'll get a lower quality Zbuffer though)

    Ah Thankyou, thats brilliant, as found is frustum settings

    Gamechanging plugin ..

    Had a hard time keeping up with unity sub, no longer

    Hindu lore, 1980's version of No mans sky here we come

  • railslave

    there are expressions to get the normalized world space components of the "local" directions (i.e. the components of the rotated xyz frame defined by the axis helper) for exactly this kind of thing. you can also just use the "translate (local space)" action.


    One more thing, any idea how to increase the draw distance, massively ? . I tried to mess about with the fogging but to no avail.

  • Making a kind of "elite" inspired wireframe space exploration game. Having trouble with rotating the ship then traveling in that new direction. I guess its getting that curving trajectory when moving.

    Feel free to help

  • Bought this a while ago (first run) on this paypal

    Need it

  • You can't access dll files from javascript typically. You'd have to make a browser plugin I suppose.

    But if you're wanting to run your c2 projects in your custom engine, it's not a trivial thing to do. Basically you'd be stacking another engine on top of yours which would defeat the purpose. You could pull the level layouts and animations from the xml of the capx files and convert it to something your engine can use, but all the logic would have to be re-written from scratch.

    Thanks, I'll show him this seems you got what I meant.

  • Hi I'm not amazingly technical so bare with me.

    I'm on a team making a game in a custom engine (visual C) , for the mini games I suggested we somehow render what iv'e made in C2, to save time/give me more control as a designer.

    (rendered onto an in game arcade cab)

    My programmer says we would need access to the library from his custom engine with DLL

    any thoughts ?

  • Ok thanks so much that's amazing information and a lesson learned, The turret is the enemy with the blue tracking laser.

    Sorry I couldn't keep the capx up., Other reasons

  • Thanks, ill mess about with path finding see if that helps (deleting capx)

  • Thanks for the response, C2 has been life changing to me ,

    I cant promise its pretty I'm afraid that I may be the C2 target audeince : P of no experience.

    There is only one tiled wall and also the (static scenery) cars seem to be doing this (solid behaviours)

    I tried messing with the bounding boxes but...

    I wasn't at the stage of documenting things well when I made this but the main offenders seem to be the wall , zx spectrum colored cars and the player sprite.

    Another issue I can think of is my habit of making everything on one huge layer .. I hope not

  • Hi, I've been having this issue for a while,

    I have a sprite with the 8 direction behaviour remapped to wasd. at random times when I'm riding along a tiled wall 32x32. It brings the game right down to a crawl, even on high end PC's.

    There aren't very many options for tiles so I'm guessing its to do with the 8 behaviour or perhaps the rather large layout size.8000x3050

    Any ideas ?