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  • Its kind of a pseudo physics thing. I am adding a delta acceleration(x60dt) to a delta distance(x60dt) per tick to fake a kick back. it appears to work fine and be framerate independent on the v synced but on the non synced sometimes it dosent work and there is no kick back like hitting solid wall. Think it may be exposing a flaw in my plan. I will keep an eye on it. will try to mock up a test file if it remains an issue. Cheers

  • I suppose this is a question for devs but maybe someone has experience. I have read the manual but it is not so explicit in this area.

    Question. Can I use the unsynced framerate modes to accurately and dependably test for framerate independent issues.

    I am asking as I am getting some unusual buggy behaviour when using these testing modes (which are giving very high framerates anywhere from 300 to 1000+ fps ). Issues which I have not observed on up to 144hz monitors. But maybe the 144hz was not high enough to see them.

    I just want to make sure I am not wasting time chasing issues that are not realworld.

  • Although I cant see it confirmed in the update logs.

    Google have confirmed in the bug report that they are now

    "... using the AAudio back-end in a proper way... "

    I haven't fully tested the results but this is potentially amazing news for construct mobile developers as this has been a problem for many many years.

  • OMG I have not been here for 2 years! hope everyone is well. Im not really developing any more these days but I accidentally launched my old music app and it looks like this audio lag issue may be somewhat resolved in the recent chrome 90 browser / webview. at least on the android / pixel devices that I have tested. would be interested to know how other phones are performing.

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  • just to add, finally , maybe for consideration in the future,

    And adding user-configurable settings results in equal or worse problems

    this is not true for audio apps,

    all pro audio applications have facility to set the latency/audio buffer.

    this is to allow the user to lower latency as much as possible for real time playing of digital instruments when recording

    and then raise as much as needed to allow as much processing time as needed when playing back multiple tracks with effects etc without the requirement for real-time playing.

    the signal to the user that they have set the latency/buffer too low is audible glitching. i.e. The glitching is actually needed it is a good thing.

    i.e. When playing a real-time digital instrument, When the user hears the glitching after lowering the latency they would then raise the latency just a little to find the lowest viable value where there is no glitching.

    all examples in leading music production software below.

  • Ashley Totally appreciate what you are saying but looking through the bug thread I dont think it is very high priority for them so I cant see it being resolved any time soon. I mean it looks like the issue has been around since the dawn of android if not at least the release of webaudio.

    Also, for audio apps users would actually appreciate the ability to set latency manually if they could improve things. again for games not such a good idea as players just want things to work. but for audio apps users would not be phased.

    What about allowing us to enter in a number (say for example 0.003) in the latency hint audio properties in place of selecting "interactive". (i believe it is allowed in the webaudio api according to the chrome dev reply previously quoted) . Could be under experimental features maybe?

  • Hi Ashley

    Did you imply that there is a way to force different lower audio latency hints to solve this issue?

    It may not be appropriate for games but the feature is ubiquitous on desktop audio apps.

    i.e. is there a way at runtime to say have a slider that the user could set the AudioContext 'latencyHint: lower to test the results.

    If audio started popping/glitching they could raise it. If there was lag without glitching they could lower it to find the best sweet spot

    Even if they had to restart the app to do so each time.

    If this could be implemented into C3 that would be awesome but Im not necessary asking for a new feature.

    just confirmation that maybe something could be done, perhaps just in scripting ???

    for those ur us who are hampered by the audio lag on android.

    I quote a response from one of the chrome developers under chrome bug 1014614

    “…your particular application, you could try constructing the AudioContext with 'latencyHint: 0.003'. Chrome will try to set the latency to about 3 ms (look at baseLatency to see what the actual value is). This may cause lots of audio glitches on your device. But it could also work well….”

    How would we do this in C3?

  • Ahh man i am shook. That is disappointing. Thanks Elliott for the confirmation tho, Appreciated. Cheers.

  • Please someone tell me this is not the case? There is some way to override ?

  • Cheers Ashley cheers Mikal, thanks guys...

    I will check this out on the weekend, (up to my neck in it a work atm cant get no construct lovin' time in). if it works that will be awesome....

    If I get anywhere interesting with this node.js I will upload/post back.

  • Cheers guys

    & Mikal appreciate that...

    you have confirmed my worst fears..... I cant just lazily use the tone.js api :(

    ...i am going to have to do some hard learning javascript ....

    once (if) I have figured out what to do I will post back.

  • so I started messing with tone.js.

    i have no idea what I am doing .. just thinking it would be cool to make somesynth in construct with tone.js

    I figured out I can drop tone.js into a script and start messing with the api.

    i put this basic synth together in a few minutes and it works perfect when previewing on desktop

    press the red boxes to make noise....

    (fyi warning if you click on the tone.js script file it can take about a minute to come to life. it will get there eventually your machine has not crashed.)

    but when hosted or when previewing on mobile there is no sound...

    is this some audio policy thing ? I tried adding in a construct audio object with a triggered imported audio to get over that but the tone.js synth still wouldn't play...

    anyone got any ideas....?

  • > you say your game is supposed to be horizontal but your view-port aspect ratio is portrait (9:16)?

    If you're referring to me, my screenshot was only an example to show the OP where the relevant setting was.

    Oh! oops .. ok then strike that.....

  • sorry no solution but yea ive been bugging my apple mates about this when asking them to help test my apps. my fullscreen button dosent work on ios and none of my buddues seem to know another way to go fullscreen. so yea + one me on this, ..I would also love to know.

  • you say your game is supposed to be horizontal but your view-port aspect ratio is portrait (9:16)?

    <edit> just ignore me its been a long day...