I downloaded the CAPX for better sine control (+1 for sine reset function too!), but C2 tells me to update to Sine 1.1. Where can I get it? I do not find it on Google And by the way, thanks to everybody contributing to this thread, sine is an important feature. Personally, I would also like to see Bezier Curves (but thanks to this thread I can manage to do everything using sines only, yeah!!), not everything can be simulated correctly through physics.
My game is a bit like Shank and Mark of the Ninja; when I get close enough to an ennemy and attacks, I am making him jump towards the ennemy to kill it with a precise knife stab. If I'd make that jumping attack with animation, I would have many problems, especially with collisions, and that would look overly bad. I will use Sine to make the hero jump to that ennemy now. I will most likely do a very small invisible zone each side of the ennemy, that when overlapping and attacking, triggers Sine and the jump-attack animation. I will adjust the Sine curve accordingly. If I decide to make those two zones merging into only 1 big one instead (so that jump-attack can be triggered at any place near the ennemy, instead of at a fixed distance from him; not too far, not too close), then I will most likely adjust the Sine's curve to be dependant of the distance between the player and the ennemy, so that it always land correctly.