JaredNDumont's Recent Forum Activity

  • Can you upload a cp3 file and I can see if I can get it to work then comment it for you

  • You should be able to make each player object Solid so when they fall on top of one they stand on top but when you jump they both jump

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  • Make a new event

    When bullet object is created then set bullet object angle to player.angle. This should only trigger once when created and make the bullet move in the direction of the player when shooting and it should keep moving in said direction

  • Thank you very much. looking at it now make sense. I always love how something that seems super complex is so easy to do. I really appreciate the help and example. this community is one of the best and most helpful.

  • For the 4 direction movement I’m using move to, and for the most part it just works. Now if I use the tile movement how would I make it so the npc will move to wave point or move along the path?

  • Hi there. Currently working on my NPC AI, and I'm using pathfinding to find a random XY position on the layout then using the Move To behavior to make the NPC move in 4 directions. Note all my objects are either 16x16 or 32x32. The NPC does indeed move in 4 directions for the most part but sometimes it will move in a slight angle like 7.54 instead of 0. The move along pathfinding action is use direct and not wavepoints.

  • After looking up stuff about trigger only once I actually figured it out but thank very much for your help

  • I tried before posting actually and same thing happened granted I did do the create object not spawn object

  • Hi there, im making a game about mowing lawns. One of the features I am working is when you mow around a house the house changes sprite and looks new. One of the things that I am trying to do to add more flare to this animation is add star particles around it. I have it work when there is only one house but then there are 2 house in the layout the first house you mow around works fine but the next ones do not create said particles

  • Little update on the game. So I did what you showed me and it worked that exact way I wanted, it was one of those moment where i was trying to make it more complex then it had to be. but thank you for the quick help. I absolutely love the construct 3 community

  • Yes, last night I was messing with the collision box of the house and getting closer to what I want, but I will try what you posted and see if it works thank you

  • Hi there I am working on a little lawn mowing game. one of the features I would like to add is when you mow around a house then the house changes animation to a better looking house. I have tried LOS behavior and using another object being used as a trigger, so when the trigger objects is not overlapping the grass object then do this. but when I added this it did not work.


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Member since 26 May, 2021

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