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  • Ok, finally get it =(

    It's ObjectName.VariableName

    Double sorry =)

    And triple thanks.

  • Or Object.Name or similar.

  • Nope. Still dont get how to do it.

    I have Mouse - On button Clicked... and then im stuck.

    Ok, I have "Console" text area... I know I can to add text to it.

    But which expression i have to use?

    There isn't something like Object.Get("Name")

  • When you click the bush it gets the variable from it but you need to store it somewhere to compare later. Then you can pick all instances again and limit them by where name = variable and destroy them.

    Yes. And that is my question - how to get variable to store... or... ahh, im starting to understand - when i clicked an object i already get all variables from it and just need to store that i need.

    Many thanks!

  • If you use the mouse object condition 'on object clicked' it will pick the instance you are clicking, then as an action you can set a variable to object.name and you have it stored.

    I dont need to set variable, i need to get variable.

    For example i have 10 bushes, 5 roses and 5 daisies.

    I click for random buch and need to destroy all bushes of the same type.

  • I have 10 same sprites, some with same value of variable "Name" (string), and some with different value.

    I need to get "Name" of clicked sprite to change all sprites with same "name".

  • For example to sprite or SVG?


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  • So i cannot use CSS to style game objects by normal means, only to style HTML elements that opened via browser object?

  • Have a layout "Title" with 3 buttons.

    One of buttons have an ID "ng"

    Have a title.css with a simple code

    	#ng {
    		border-radius: 10px;

    It doesn't work. Do i need to somehow include title.css in layout?

    And how to style all buttons at once?


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