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  • I have an object instance with variables X = 0 and Y = 0.

    I need to check if instance with variables X = 1 and Y = 2 exists to fire a function.

    How can i do this without loops and JS? I know i can do that, but cant figure out how.

    I need something like if object with X = 1 and Y = 2 doesnt exist - do something.

  • I have 10 objects in Family and when i click on one object i need to change animation on all others.

    I tried pick instance with UID to get clicked UID and inverted variant to set animations to all other (ever with foreach) - and it doesnt work for me =(


  • State machine is nice... but it check ALL objects in family EVERY frame!

    Thats doesnt feel right.

  • Now it Editor, but in future in runtime too.

  • I have "item" consists of 3 9-patches united in container.

    How do i spawn that whole container with default properties on layout without having to place 9-patches individually?

  • I have 9-patch which i need to resize only horizontal and not vertical.

    For example i have an objects TableTop with Solid behavior, and TableLegs, whicj caracter can overlap.

    Both objects unite as container.

    TableTop must be resizable in all directions, but TableLegs only horizontal.

    I get needed visual result with transparent "resizable borders" and container select mode "All", but that not i am exactly looking for.


  • Nice. But what if my button is a container with a text attached to it, which get offset +1 +1 when cursor is hovered? If i set on every tick return offset by -1 -1 my text will fly away.

    I need to register mouseleave event =((

  • I CAN use use events every tick, but it does not cover my needs.

    For example I have 4 custom "buttons" with sprite animations 0 as default and 1 as highlight very close to each other.

    I have events "Mouse Cursor is over Button -> Set animation to 1" and "Mouse [NOT] Cursor is over Button -> Set animation to 0".

    If I VERY FAST move cursor from fist to fourth "button" all objects will be highlighted.

    So I need to reset animation to 0 when cursor left object to prevent that behavior.

    It easily done with CSS/JS, but I dont understand how to write custom JS function in Construct3, or cant find built-it visual-code element for mouseenter and mouseleave events.

    P.S. Yes, in theory I can implement some variables to check active element and reset all non-active, but it seems to be invalid approach.

  • I have many instances of object with states of "default" and "highlight" and I need to change states of exact instance when mouse cursor enters its area and leave it.

    I do not want to check it every tick, but when event triggers.

    I tried multiple approaches and cant do it "right" and without JS-code. Im a poor programmer and cannot understand how JS-code works in Construct3 =\</p>

  • Built-in text-input not give me what i want (yes, i know how to use CSS) and i want to create one with sprites and text tools.

    Dont know how initialize user-input on-click...

    Maybe i can use "transparent" text-input and some overlays, but dont think its a good idea.


  • I owe you a beer... >_>

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  • Aaaaaaand still im doing something wrong.

    I have object BUSH and 10 copies of it on Layout.

    BUSH have variables Key and Value. Key of each instance is the same, for example Rose, value is sequential number and different for each instance. And of course UID each unique.

    I have text area Debug.

    I have events:

    Mouse on Left button Clicked


    Text Name "Debug" -> Append BUSH.Key, Append BUSH.Value, Append BUSH.UID

    And output is always the same (from the first copie of BUSH on Layout - Rose 1 16) no matter which instance was clicked.

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Member since 18 May, 2021

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