They're usually right next to eachother and you switch between them often. It's just when you accidentally click the any tab x, you have to figure out which you clicked away, find and scroll to the layout/event sheet that you clicked away in the sidebar, double click, and reposition it. It's only one of a handful of small issues that could make life easier if they were fixed.
I think the biggest issue here is repositioning the new tab when there are multiple tab rows, which is the bug I reported in issue #5499. If that gets fixed, the other steps you mentioned -- figure out which you clicked away, find and scroll to the layout/event sheet that you clicked away in the sidebar, double click -- don't seem too inconvenient considering how infrequently it happens. I accidentally click X maybe once every 8 hours of coding.
Very few issues seem to get attention, I also believe few people used that github (or what was it?) to report issues, which requires you to learn a new interface, register an account, report the issue, show 'proof' and replication of the issue, all that effort, same with suggestions/improvements.. you put in all that effort and MAYBE, just maybe if you get lucky if enough people will vote up your suggestion it might just get some attention and looked at.
I submitted my first ticket yesterday with the GitHub approach, and it worked well and wasn't too cumbersome. As for having to go through GitHub, I happen to also use GitHub to manage/backup my C3 projects, it's a great resource that's ubiquitous in the software development world. Highly recommended!
As someone who works with QA I appreciate the bug reporting process Scirra has put together. Without it they'd be bombarded with non-issues, poorly explained defects, massive projects they need to sift through, etc -- all things that would take them away from important work. They're a limited team with limited resources, let's not forget that.
And when you do suggest new things like I did in this topic, you just get a 'it's not going to happen'.
Just yesterday
DiegoM said "Rudi55 If you think any of those things will improve C3, you can file a couple of issues in our bug tracker and they will be looked at." Sounds like they're being pretty accommodating :) Like with bugs, Scirra needs to decide which features are in the best interest of the broader community. Limited team, limited resources...
This must be a multi million Dollar business by now, so why not invest more in improvement, invest more in staff.
I don't claim to know Scirra's business, but $1m annual revenue would require 10,000 yearly subscribers (@ $100/yr), and I doubt there are that many subscribers based on the Forum activity. Factor in all the employees and the overhead to host their content and I don't see many folks getting rich Scirra. Yet I continue to be surprised at what they're able to achieve and how committed they are to their product. Where else will you find the company Founder/CEO responding to your forum questions?
I went off topic but I just wanted to have said this, C3 is probably one of the best game makers out there
Agreed!!! I've always wanted to build games but the other engines are way too complicated for me. C3 has become my passion and has opened doors for so many. Yeah it's not perfect (what is?) but it sure as hell is one of a kind.