Happy Noodle's Recent Forum Activity

  • Just a quick update.

    I managed to do what I needed by using NW.js instead of file chooser.

    Now that I think about it, that makes sense since what I am aiming for is more of a desktop application.

    In case anyone was wondering this is the solution:

    Step 1: use the nw.js file picker to choose a directory

    Step 2: use nwjs to copy the file from the project directory to the local computer

  • I think that makes sense...

    So, here's what is going on. I decided to use construct 3 to create template html files for my job. We do a lot of online course development so often we need to create a large number of template files and directories for authors to put their content into and so far, using the file chooser plugin, it works great. I can create multiple directories each with a predefined number of template copies that have custom titles (yay!) This saves me a lot of grindy work.

    Anyways, after I had this part sorted I thought why not take it a step further and create the entire course template (each course is basically a self contained website) and save myself more grind.

    The actual thing I am running into is copying files from the Project Files in construct into a folder on the local computer. So things like images and fonts are what is coming to mind - non text files (but any really since the site template files don't need to be edited)

    Any thoughts?

    It is totally possible that it is something simple that I am missing but I also just wanted to check that it is not a case where I am trying to do something that is not possible for construct.


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  • DiegoM Awesome. Thanks!

  • DiegoM

    What I've used is:

    Subtract 1*dt as opposed to just subtract 1

    Is that what you mean?

  • So just for the sake of it, I tried redoing the test I posted with a timer behaviour and it all just worked. (see below)

    So, chances are, the issues that I ran into before were the fault of something else (yay!)

    Thanks for taking the time to look anyway :)


  • I should note,that I do use timers a fair bit with other object like the player instance. It's really just in the foreach that I've had issues.

  • lionz Weird. It seems to work when I download it.


    Here is a different link. hopefully this time. It is using r322 if that might be an issue.

    The issue I typically get when I run timers in a for each loop is that they seem to have issues with picking themselves 'onTimer' and it's probably down to my not having a full understanding of how to do that properly.

  • Hello,

    I'd like your opinions on whether or not this is a terrible idea.

    So, I was working with some game objects and wanting them to fire off events when their particular timers ran out (in the demo I've linked below, they just do a grid move) and I was having some issues with multiple timers in a foreach object loop so I came up with the following solution:

    1) each object has a timer variable that is reduced by 1xdt each tick

    2) when the timer is equal or less than 0: Do something (ie move, call a function, reset the time, change a variable etc)

    In the tests I've done, it seems to work pretty consistently so what I'm wondering is:

    Is there a reason not to do this?

    Like, is it going to cause some issue that I haven't thought of or cause bees to start pouring in from another dimension?

    Anyway, here's a link to a capx that shows the method I am talking about.



  • Something like this might help:

    On Drag Start :

    • Pick all Balls & Add them as children of the bucket

    On Drag Stop:

    • Pick all balls & remove them as children of the bucket
    • Set the velocity of the balls to 0

    Here is a demo file:


    I've added a lid (child of the bucket) to prevent popcorning but it seems that setting the velocity to 0 makes it redundant

  • The first thing that comes to mind is that the tilemap object or the layer it is on might not be set to "initially visible" in its properties.

    It's certainly something I've been guilty of before :)

  • Hey Everyone,

    I've just launched a demo for Bogden, Who Throws Axes on Itch.io and wanted to share.

    It's been a long time coming, but it's nice to see it live.



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    Casual arcade style fish punching game.

    Please check it out & share if you like it.

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Happy Noodle

Member since 16 Jul, 2014

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