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  • Perfect, thanks BlackHornet

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  • Hi,

    I'm a licensed user of C3 and have installed Rex's add on behaviours, which have worked well previously. I upgraded C3 recently and now I can't find any non-native behaviours. If I try to install them again, C3 tells me I already have them installed. Any idea what's going on here please ?


  • Thanks for the reply Plinkie. I did consider this option, but it's a real pain following the shoreline as the island is not limited to the viewport and covers most of the layout. Looks like I've got a bit of colouring in to do ☹️

    Thanks again for the reply.

  • Hi,

    I've created an island layout using a tilemap and I want to use pathfinding so that enemies on the island can find me. The only problem is that the pathfinding ignores the shape of the island and charges across the sea as the most direct route. I've used a background layer as the sea and have tried setting that to solid or as an obstacle, but then the enemies don't find a path.

    So in essence, how do I limit pathfinding behaviour to just the tiles on a tilemap and not cross the sea please ?



  • You've had some very good advice on here already, but alternative approach for the first problem would be to create an invisible sprite on each side of the screen abd then use on touch with which sprite is being touched to determine which side of the screen is being pressed. You can also use invisible sprite borders to stop your paddles from going off screen.

  • Doesn't seem to work either I'm afraid Rojo. I've posted a capx here:

    http://gothamvillage*co*uk/Construct2/N ... ect.caproj

    Which shows it going back to a right angle.

    Obviously replace the * with . to get to the URL <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Hi Lamar,

    Thanks for the reply. Setting the angle to no means that it doesn't rotate at all, which is not what I'm after. I want it to rotate, using 360 smooth, and then to stay facing the angle it's in when I let go of the keys. Instead, it just returns to the nearest 90 degree angle.

    Is there a way to move in 360 degrees, but keep that angle when stopped please ?


  • Hi,

    I'm using the 8 directional movement behaviour and all works well as the piece moves and rotates as you'd expect. However, once I stop moving it resets the angle of the sprite to the nearest 90 degree (0,90,180,270) - Is there a way to stop this please ?



  • Hi all,

    Is there any way to switch on the phone's light using C2 please ?



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  • aah, I see what you mean. Thanks Ramones.

  • Hi,

    I need to know if a sprite with bullet behaviour is going left or right, but I can't seem to find a way of accessing the vectorX, which would give me this (minus for left, positive for right).

    Can anyone help please ?

    Thanks in advance


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Member since 7 Jul, 2014

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