Yesterday i worked on debug various things and maybe i found the problem, or one of the problems.
When you clone a mesh using events you only clone the mesh in the 3D scene not the NewMesh.object
if not we can't manage this mesh using events because C2 not have idea this one exists, only exists in the Babylon scene render.
Or maybe i'm wrong?
not really, you clone both just when they are cloned they are not linked as 1 object. that is why the visual object clone is not reacting. unless u set the name in the properties. which you cant since the function "set name" cant be called by event expression.
but im waiting for the version 0.6(because atm its a to big hustle to clone 1000 items and move them around, and i dont want to visual place 1000 objects in the editor and rename each of them and then add extra variables to each of them by hand), but maybe things will work as we where thinking. and maybe Babylon3d will also get to keep its current behaviors and effects.
In response to the 2nd worry u had, i dont think that is a issue, C2 not being able to know if the object exists... as a example Q3D does exactly what we are talking about 3d objects that are cloned dont use mesh arrays, they act like the normal C2 sprites there is no need for extra names or id's.
And if ur thinking well is different... i dont think Three.js is to big of a difference from Babylon.js both use a variety of libraries inside and the one that renders the 3d object is the same. so it should be possible for Babylon also to be able to replicate the Sprite object recognition. unless X3M made a core build that object picking is to hard at this point in development to change, unless he re-codes everything. which wold be a big delay and extra work.
As i seen in the common.js and runtime... the newmesh is picked mainly by the and if a same name object exists then the new one doesn't get pick if i remember correctly there is a comment in runtime where it says "no need to duplicate", but might not be related.