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  • Hmmm, so I should go back to R212.2?

    if you need minify script yes... i mean its a stable version... r213 is beta.. problems can occur

    and r213 is more for windows 10 exporting stuff.. so i dont need any of those.. but if u want audio plugin to work... id suggest stay on r212 ... in r213 audio plugin has an error ... happening on firefox and chrome and also the minify script seems to have problems on wind7 and 8 ... unless u have windows 10 installed and all javascript updated and all those things

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  • How about AudioJungle prices?

    the only downside of the Audiojungle is that you have to sell your product there to gain up to 70% other then that... i dont know.. really im not selling audio.. i just had some research done before on some music tracks.. and was a pain ... to license it.. i was sent from a company to another to some artist.. and from there back to the first studio... and then again loop goes on... however in the process learned a few things... and those are listed above.. they not accurate... but more of an ideea of how songs and music files are sold.. or how you can sell them the only problem is .. that you have to register your audio.. and claim ownership.. if youd only make it post it on internet.. no1 will know is yours... outside the people that took it from you

  • had same problems yestarday night, while previewing with the audio plugin in NW.js was working... when i was previewing on firefox or chrome the audio.plugin.js error pop-d up .. when i exported for Nw.js just a black screen.. i downgraded to r212.2 installed it everything works perfect... il try again the r213 with the audio plugin from r212.2 inside maybe thats going to be fixed... btw i seen audio plugin has some settings when that happened ?XD those where not even existent

  • thats from august... download r212.2 and the minify script problem will be fixed... however dont go on r213beta wont work anymore.. and also has some audio plugin problems i fixed it by adding the plugin from r212 inside

  • hey was playing around this days with Q3d had a few bumps till i understood some of the functionalities of it... and i managed to do the next demo.. im planing on doing a full multiplayer death match FPS out of it... when its completed ... will be available for download with a manual in Scirra Store Hope you like it... any feedback is appreciated

    the capx will require q3d plugin version 2.4 or later, TiAm's MouseLock ... and r213 C2 version

    At the moment just a nodewebkit demo .... there still plenty of work to be done to have a polished Kit.

    right now... it has only the basics ...

    When game is loaded will require for you to center the mouse in the aim sight as close as possible to the center for now in order to have a good forward/backward motion... till i fix it.. and il find a better way to raycast the movement direction...

    In Game Commands :

    Ctrl - Crouch

    Space - Jump

    WASD - movement

    F - Toggle flashlight

    Mouse1 - Fire some blank bullets

    Mouse2 - Zoom Mode

    R - Reload

    Q+Enter/Q+Return - Restarts game

    Shift - Silent Walk

    The game movement is based on FPS Control Demo

    you can download the capx files and buy the q3d by going on this page Q3dTopic

    You can download Tiam MouseLock Here

    FPS KIT DOWNLOAD will be available soon..


    there is some problems with the exported executables... seems they dont want to run on my computer and i doubt that will run on others


    seems the Audio Plugin has some issues... on R213 il try downgrade to a older version and see if its going to be fixed.


    downgraded to r212.2 audio is not a problem anymore.. however in the desktop version the FPS hands model with gun doesnt want to load... im working on it... Seems i wont be able to make it work tonight ... so here is an ingame screenshot ... til im able to upload a stable working version of it.. its weird cause in preview everything works perfect.. when im exporting nothing works anymore... im stuffed with this kinda problems..

    here is a html5 demo... just the hands and weapons seems to get stuck.. seems its a bandwidth problem on my side..

    DEMO im working on a 3d platformer Mario style also.. hopping to finish this particular FPS kit soon, and have it available in scirra store up and running with a menu and an online multiplayer system and 2 or 3 maps to be selected or voted to change ... the only issue wold be what wold be the minimum requirements to be able to run it.. since im creating this on a low spec computer... im thinking there wold be a duo core needed and atleast 1 gb ram.. but not sure yet... will see

    ok i see where the problem is... i think because i added the weapon as a child in the animation of the hands... creates all the problem.. il try change it for later.. since it was already in the future plan to be able to pickup weapons from ground ... now makes sense why all those issues i had lately.. ok demo is working.. if u have a low internet just wait... till it loads.. it may take a bit ... hands file is about 25 mb cause of the weapon is inside the same json file instead being a dependent model..

    the hands come with 5 animations drawweapon.. withdrawweapon .. inspect weapon, reload , reloadnoclip, shoot , shootnoclip, idle, melee_pad_hit but i use only 2 of them for now.. seeing the problem that the gun creates... il need to reanimate everything again... or atleast some parts enjoy share... comment/feedback etc keep it healthy

    Edit 4 forgot to mention the current events... 48 wold be less just i added 10 more for some simple minor aspect stuff that il change it later with some behaviors

  • so u have the left animation but not the right... try using the sprite.mirror self thing when the direction of movement is toward right... youd have to know the angle is traveling at though if it wold be triggered by keyboard wold be much easier.. but since you have it automatically in an AI system which doesnt depend on ur input.. u need to always check the angle of movement.. one way is to use a custom behavior called speedmonitor which monitors the speed and angle of movement of the object.. and u can use those values in a expression to make the character mirror the animation

  • the game is actually well made.. the only problem is .. how do you use the skills outside clicking them.. and why every enemy jumps around when UP-arrow? is it meant to do that or is a bug?

  • The Honorable normal guy way:

    depends on the length of the track and the complexity of it.. and the work you have to do.. from scratch or an edited version.. and also your work time fee.. most people add their work time fee to the work finished product.. as the manufacturers in our daily lives .. others charges only the product price.. or their price/hour so if u spent around 2 hrs composing it.. wold make you a whooping honorable way ... 30/100 bucks if its less ... you can still be in that range... the end use or ur client wont ask u why is that price so hard... if so.. u can always find excuses.. but most people that are hobbyists dont have cash flying around... so id better stay at a lower price.. for helping them out.. and maybe getting some publicity and get another order

    The Business Type of audio sales:

    (its not accurate but more of a guide.. of what the actual licensing goes for audio products.. they might be a bit different but this is a simple rough shape of it )

    you can also sell it as a non-exclusive license.. so you can resell it further on internet without any problems.. audiojungle for example .. also you can give a limited-exclusive license.. that gives 1-3 months of usage before you sell it further...

    the basic is can sell it .. as regular license (for hobbits non monetized products)

    limited-personal license - you can use it for a longer period of time making cash with ur product using the audio in it.. but not reselling the audio..

    Personal license -buyer gets to partially own it.. he can resell it/ and make cash out of its products with the content of audio inside up to some sort of number records (ex 1000 sales in steam etc ) while you can still sell your own

    Business license - buyer is eligible for selling your audio further as a vendor

    Custom licenses - charging fees per product hit.. example ( 1mix license ... buyer publish in one video /game etc u need 1 license 30 $ or what ever, 2 videos or games he needs to re-buy the license for each product he releases)

    custom license mix - u can use the original soundtrack to derive a new version .. each remix adds more licenses

    and so on

    hope it helped you .. and i was on track of your post

  • id suggest the easiest way wold be to have a separated window... as in layouts/project/z-order/etc that are shown on the right side... so you can pop them up open and have the list with events there.. if its opened and u need it.. will automatically go to it anyway.. just you'd have the list there in front of u... its much easier then to add a icon.. which if u have 10 different tabs opened... the sizes wold shrink so much,, that you wont be able to see the full name... even if its ES typed in front or not.

    personally im always on the project tab.. and have the events list opened there.. the only problem is when i save.. all the project files refreshes at a weird rate... if i add folders.. all open and closes .. which makes C2 freeze for a bit

  • The latest back-up I have doesn't have all my new changes so the game will not be finished...

    have you tried extracting the new files from the beta capx... and change the version in the caproj? to 212.20?

    maybe that will help you... unless you got the problem i got long time ago... when before i saved the electric went dead.. and when i rebooted the file size of the capx from 2 mb went to 1kb ... and when i tried to extract it... said corrupted file... or smth.. my luck was that i didn't have to many events.. but more visual assembly

    forgot to mention... you have to type the number version in a normal length string... like 2122.00 or smth... its not always as the r.21nn.nn in the download section other way will tell you the version is not recognized and c2 will close.

  • you can use clamp(angle,minvalue,maxvalue) see if that works min value for u wold be 180-car.angle max wold be 180 or 90

    the expresion original is clamp(number,min,max) but i added the angle cause you want the rotation to be towards surtain angle in order to stop it to go pass it... you job now is to find that specific angle at any time and place of the car on the game... if its in a circular race.. you have to find the radius position of the car... and find the left and right position of it and clamp on left and right turn the specficific numbers

    so you will have to store the angel of the car one time to know what was the last angle of the car... forgot to mention... so when A or D was pressed save the angle of car 1 time in a variable local or global.. then use that one to determine the min and max rotation

  • nice to hear you solved the problem you had... but still continues after 1 day now? it might not bee steam or C2 ... but your hard drive ... is it almost full? what settings you have for caching things? how much space you have in the C2 auto save folder? is it OLD or new ? is it HDD or SSD?

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