Thanks for sharing,
I really think you could have an awesome game on your hands.
The opinion I had about the controls still holds, but I truly believe it wouldn't take much to polish it up.
Jump cancelling when you release the jump button, having jump not bound to the up arrow (a big no-no in my books, but that's just my opinion), and a slightly more natural running animation would go a long way in the feel of the game.
I also ran into an issue where I could not jump over the boxes when the character was right up against them. I think maybe the sprite you are using for you platform behaviour is not clearing the box, while animation certainly looks like he should make it over.
I hope I'm not being too discouraging. You really have done a bang up job thus far. The small details like the shell casing ejecting is a great touch, as are the effects and the detail in the environment.