Francesco2020's Recent Forum Activity

  • I would definitely significantly expand the capabilities of the free version.

    What is there to lose in the process? It would motivate many more people to try Construct. And if someone really wants to build a serious game with commercial intentions, they will buy the paid version afterwards.

    It's just not fun to try a tool that you know beforehand you can't really create anything useful with it.

    As I said, there is nothing to lose. No one is going to secretly develop a AAA title just because the limitations of the trial version are no longer so pointlessly restricted.

  • I would like to build some educational content with C3. I have done that in the past with other tools like Adobe Director, Flash, Asymetrix Toolbook, LiveCode etc.

    Since most educational topics need a lot of text (input and output) I wonder if it makes sense to create these kind of content with C3.

    I have already tried something but found the text handling in C3 a little bit limited compared to the a.m. tools.

    Maybe someone knows some good tips and tricks for the best way to handle texts in C3?

    Thanks in advance for your help :-)

  • Thank you very much for your answer.

    I had some slight difficulty figuring how and where to use the expressions from the expressions dictionary but finally found out how this works.

    If you have a minute for it:

    I would like to use an array variable to store and compare the names of the objects the user should find.

    The manual says that an array should be added into the files folder of the project browser. I did so and could populate the array with the objects names.

    Unfortunately I cannot find the arrays from the files folder as options when adding a new condition to my event sheet.

    Obviously I am doing something wrong. It would be very nice if you could give me a little hint how to do this right.

  • I am quite new to Construct and have the following question/problem:

    I try to build a little search game in which the user should find different objects on the screen.

    There are about 30 different objects (or sprites) on the screen. Some of them are correct findings the others not.

    To avoid to create the same events for each of the sprites I have put all of them into a "family"-group.

    In the event sheet I can add an event for the whole family but wonder how I can detect which sprite of the familiy the user has clicked on.

    When the users clicks on one of the families sprites I need to know which one it was to check if this one is a correct or a wrong finding.

    Is it possible to get the name or id of the sprite? Is there something like "" or "" in Construct?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • ... sorry for the traffic.

    I found the solution by myself: I had not added the array object before.

    Now I have done that and everything works fine.

  • I would like to check if a certain string is included in an array variable.

    For example: check if the name "Tom" is stored in the variable "names" (Betty, Tom, Robert,...,...)

    In the event editor in "compare variable" I only find the usual = < > etc. options to compare a given value with one value stored in a variable.

    What I didn't found is something like "contains". (If variable XY contains "Tom" then ...)

    Maybe I looked in the wrong place?

    Thanks in advance for your help :-)

  • Good morning from Germany,

    I am quite new to C3 and yesterday I have downloaded the manual in PDF format:

    When I opened it I found a document with 1327 pages of which about 500+ pages are absolutely blank.

    The last page that contains text is page 742 ("Touch Script Interface"). After that there are blank pages only.

    I wonder if something went wrong and downloaded the manual again. Unfortunately the result was the same.

    Is that correct or is something wrong with the document itself?

    Thanks in advance for your help.


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  • Thank you very much for your reply and help. :-)

    I will try this tomorrow when I am back at my desk.

    LG F.

  • Good morning from Germany,

    I am quite new to Construct and would like to ask how the following can be achieved:

    I have a large number of sprites (50 +) on the screen.

    When the user clicks on one of this sprites the name of it should go into global variable to be later compared to another list of sprite names.

    I found out how I can check mouse clicks for each sprite by creating many different events. Unfortunately this way is not very convenient and a little bit difficult to maintain.

    I wonder, if it is possible to create one event which can be called from all of the sprites. E. g. with case-conditions or with looping.

    I am sure there is a more elegant way to achieve this. So help is very appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for your help :-)

    LG F.

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Member since 13 Nov, 2020

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