How Can i Download External Package in my Game ?
i'm trying to search Answer , but its not available in construct forum ,
kindly Guide me ?
Can you Send ScreenShot Or Video, Or Check Events Again.
So i have 20 games make in construct 3, and is hosted on firebase hosting as html zip export.
now i want to all 20 game links in the single app to publish on playstore
how can i do that
and option available for that
hello im trying to export for windows
after exported and extracted files
windows says
in your file Trijon Virus
i uploaded video link kindly check
its same problem from my friend also
help me guys
im trying to Destroy Or Erase tile
when on touch on particular tilemap
only which is touched on
on click button > Toggle Boolean
you can make button using button action "SET CSS STYLE"
Also For Help Visit
make buttons as you choice
construct game engine given given official plugin included in your editor,
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object Reached Distance to 100m Added to key time line XY pos of the object
after repeats object continuing reached 200m now automatic added key in time line to object XY
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
On start layout > set object Collison mask to > use Collison polygon
because I make lots objects on different layout, so its time tacking to change each object mask.
its working fine in construct preview,
but when exporting any file , like debug apk.
its not working
try this link
Member since 27 Oct, 2020