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  • FGLmatt Yes I do understand that you need quality apps. I do believe that my games made for HTML 5 promo are quality ones.

    One game was just approved today. Thanks.

    But the main problem for me is why I can't submit the list of my 150 games for quality check as HTML5 with 0 work from me and get a list of xxx games OK and maybe some NOT OK. Then I would work on converting those games to apk.

    Why do I need to spend 2-3 hours per game to convert in order for you to test for quality?

    If the game is NOT ok regarding quality my work is in vane.

    Thanks for answering.

    Once again, we're not interested in treating this promo as a bounty program as we did for the HTML5 version. In all honesty, we aren't looking for 150 game submissions from a single developer. That tends to suggest your goals don't line up with ours.

    FGLmatt I have a game that is not having many downloads. Is that a game that can be eligible for the $50 promotion?

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... terstellar

    The amount of installs your app has doesn't affect your eligibility. If you have a few minutes to spare, I'd definitely suggest going through the Enhance process and submitting it.

    I do not really understand the Enhance-service. If you do nottake the potential 50$ into concideration and just thick of the service itself..

    If you do not add Admob, Chartboost or Appodeal in Construct2, just save the project without any ad system. Then compile the apk, and "enhance" it in the enhance service, then you can choose to enable ads in that enhancement. so then you enhance it with Admob for instance(?)

    What is really the difference? Except that if you implement it yourself in Construct you can choose when to show an ad, but with this enhance-thing the ads can show wherever in the app...?

    And what is the difference in getting paid, do I get paid from Enhance if I implemented Admob via them? Better/worse?

    Full disclosure, we currently do not fully support Construct2 yet. Though if you have access to the full source code of your app, then you can absolutely choose when and where to show ads, or log an analytics event. With Enhance, you can setup generic ad placements in your app wherever you want, then you can easily swap single networks, multiple networks, or mediation services into those placements. At that point, you can fully integrate any or all the networks we support into those spots in just a few clicks. We even have a tool that you can mediate the networks directly on our site.

    Obviously the easiest way to use Enhance is our zerocode options (pre-roll ads, persistent banners, basic analytics). You don't need to add even a single line of code to get those working in your app in a couple minutes.

  • FGLmatt

    No doubt the 200$ HTML5 game promo was a success from developer point of view and we are really thankful for that.

    But for this promo since the quality bar increased and the payment is only 1/4 from 200$ things are different.

    The only way this could be profitable to the developer is to have the game pre made. And I have the games made for 200$ promo and I could convert them to android to take advantage of this promo too.

    Since the conversion of a html5 game to android enhance and publish it takes 2-3 hours this new promo is barely worth it. But it worth it.

    I was really hoping that we are able to submit the apps as html5 for quality check and if they pass I can spend 2-3 hours per app to convert them for android knowing that the game is ok for the promo.

    Now you require us to convert the games first and then wait to see if they are good.

    I've submitted one game 1 month ago (without publishing to play store), 1 week ago published to play store still no YES/NO answer.


    I totally understand where you're coming from, but this is just a different kind of promo. While we'd love to give out a bunch of cash for as many games as you can produce quickly, we'd rather you try Enhance on an app that you're passionate about. Please note that the quality bar is NOT that high. Native mobile is just a different platform compared to mobile web, so we expect a quality level that will resonate with users that take the time to download your app.

    You definitely don't need to submit brand new (or pre-made) games. You can use apps that are already released.

    I'll get with the approval team about your submission. Most apps don't have to wait more than 24 hours to get an answer. There must have been an oversight, so I apologize for that.

    If you know FGL, you know that we'll do whatever we can to help you succeed. As a side bonus (and something we do for every app regardless if it's part of the promo or not), we'll work directly with you to give your app the best chance at success if it proves to have great retention. Meaning we'll spend our time and money to give it a push.


    > ...3 people (that I recognize) in this thread alone made over $50,000 collectively from it.


    FGLmatt Hi Matt can you explain what you mean by this? Do you mean that sum of $50K was earned from ads... over what period of time? The months since the initial html5 promotion? Or during the promotion... or what? Sorry I'm not clear what you mean here.

    That was in regards to the HTML5 promotion last year. We paid devs for simply submitting an app. I recognized 3 people in this thread, and know that they collectively made that sum. It has nothing to do with the current promo, or ad earnings. Sorry for the confusion.

  • So, FGL is hosting another promotion similar to their failed $200 HTML5 promotion that they hosted back in 2014. I took advantage of their previous promotion and I've already submitted two apps for this promotion at this time of writing which got approved. They really feel confident about their Enhance AD SDK system that they will pay you $50 per app to implement it.

    I've written a blog and made a video on the process of submitting your app for the promotion, if you're interested. Check it out! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" />

    http://www.makemoneyandgames.com/single ... e-your-app

    Thanks for making a video about Enhance and our current promotion! In regards to the HTML5 promo from last year, it was hardly a failure since at least 3 people (that I recognize) in this thread alone made over $50,000 collectively from it. And since helping game devs make money from their creations has always been our #1 goal, I'd say it was a big success.

    I'd also like to clear up some other Enhance related questions.

    Enhance is not an SDK. On the contrary, it removes the need to ever have to mess with an SDK - which is a big deal considering how long some of them take to integrate. Enhance is simply a technology to speed up getting third party mobile services (analytics, ads, attribution, social, IAP, push notifications, etc.) into your app with little or no coding. It alleviates this well known pain point for both developers and service providers. Just watch KazaaMafia's video to see how fast multiple services were injected into his app with very little effort.

    The promotion we're running is just one way we're spreading the word about Enhance. It appears to have piqued the interest of many people in this thread, so I guess it's working! At the end of the day, we just want you to use Enhance. We think it's a great service, and we've heard similar sentiment from many developers, so if you get approved for our promotion or not, we just hope Enhance helps you enough so that you use it again the next time.


    The quality standard has definitely been increased from that of the HTML5 promo, and may even increase more as we go along, but I can assure you it's not set super high. That shouldn't deter you from taking part.

    If anyone has any issues using Enhance, definitely point them out in the survey attached to the promotion. If you have questions about the promotion, you can always shoot me a message or post here.



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  • Thanks for the quick reply, but I have some more questions.

    *When calling an advert it says in the document it will be full screen. Do we have to setup how it disappears? for instance does it have a close button or do we make a screen that moves on after x seconds?

    *Do we have to add cross-promotion?

    *If I need to apply updates to the game after its been released can I do so through your system?

    Again, thank you for your time.

    You don't have to add the cross-promotion feature, but if you don't you won't be eligible for the entire $200 advance. It's a great feature though, and increases game-plays for everyone that has it activated.

    Yes, you can apply updates to your game through the system. They will get QA'd again, and once passed we will update them in the various distribution channels.

    Is there a way to disable the plugin? I want to create a universal build and having the FGL QA test stuff popup all the time when the game launches is a pain. It seems the only way to stop it is to remove the plugin from the project, but then this removes all the associated events. So I would have to branch my project and make changes in two places, which is far from ideal.

    Thanks in advance.

    You'd have to make a second build.

  • Hi,

    I can't find the information that I need so I hope you don't mind if I ask the questions here.

    *Are there any other requirements other than just adding your API?

    *Do you have to add sponsor branding? If so what sized space should be allocated?

    *Do you have to add adverts? Again If so what sized space should be allocated?

    *Are there any restrictions regarding publishing my game in other spaces or on mobile platforms?

    *I went through the wizard a few times before I realized that each partial submission created an app in my game library. How do I delete them?

    *I went through the wizard a few times before I realized that each partial submission created an app in my game library. How do I delete them?

    *My game in your game library says it requires "No 1920 Promo" as a required file before submission. What dimensions does this file need to be?


    • The only other requirement is that is has to be a fully complete and working game.
    • Yes, you have to add the sponsor branding call, explained in the docs. The size is 250x100px, but is completely handled by the SDK. You just have to make the call.
    • Yes, you must add adverts. There are no options, so you must simply make the fgl.showAd(); call when appropriate.
    • There are no other restrictions other than you can't submit to the same marketplaces, obviously (amazon, big rebel).
    • You can't currently delete any entries. You can however simply rename them to "delete", and we'll get rid of the for you.
    • You can ignore that flag. Our graphic artists will create all the necessary and missing image assets for you.
  • Hi Matt,

    I'm really interested in getting my games up on FGL but I have a question regarding the paperwork: I get the part about the US and tax treaties (Yay for being Dutch), but what exactly is in the forms that we need to sign? Do we need to have a business/be incorporated/etc?

    Hi BigMistake,

    All the paperwork can be downloaded from your reporting account. It should also include an instructions page outlining what paperwork is necessary.

    Everyone has to fill out the mobile platform agreement. Since you're outside the US, you'll also need to fill out the W-8BEN. If you don't already have an EIN, you'll also need to fill out the SS-4 to obtain one for you. These documents must be completed before we're legally able to make your payment. It could take a few weeks to obtain your EIN, but we can officially pay you during the wait time, as long as the SS-4 is fully completed. You do NOT need to be incorporated to partake in this promotion.


    so i can make in app purchases with you as well?

    also, does any logo or brand appear on my app beside my own? or is your API whitelabelled?

    thank you

    We have a very basic IAP system currently. It's basically an unlock feature available for purchase for users.

    We do not put any of our branding in the game. We allow you to have a dynamic branding spot however, so if a buyer purchases a non-exclusive license of the game for their portal, their branding can be injected.

  • Hi, I read the article and was thinking what does "Submit your assets" Mean? Is it like submitting the graphics and the music and the game file?


    It means game icons, screenshots, or any type of promotional image assets you have.

  • This isn't in regards to the HTML5 promo. What fldr said was correct.

    We also help distribute Android games, which is separate.

  • I've almost finished a game and wanted to know more about the submission process...

    On the way, I'm said that I have "No Payment Agreement", and I decided to take a look at the "tax instructions" document.

    Just to be sure: Is all of this available for people living in France? If so, am I supposed to send you a "physical mail"?

    It's available for anyone, including if you live in France. You'll simply need to print, sign, scan and email the paperwork back once complete. You can physically mail it only if you want to.

    The only thing that could affect your advance is if you live in a country that does not have a tax treaty with the US (where your payment will be coming from). These payments are subject to tax withholding by the US government. To find out if your country of residence will be subject to withholding, you can either Google it, or email our in-house tax expert and CPA Amber[at]fgl[dot]com.

  • Ragtime - Aspect ratio info can be found in the docs on page 4.

  • spy84 - Unfortunately I cannot reply to PM's because my reputation level is too low. I also can't view your email or anything from your profile. I apologize to anyone else who also PM'd me. You can always email me (matt at fgl).

  • Ragtime - It just has to be a complete, working game. Many games are short and simple, but others are more complex.

    HZGaming - Correct. If you have any trouble, you can contact me personally.

    Raiper341 - I'm sorry you're having issues with the implementation. I noticed you submitted a new build today, so hopefully it works now. If you continue to have problems, we'll assign one of our engineers to you in order to help complete the integration. I really like your game, and hope it gets approved soon.

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Member since 6 May, 2014

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