Good questions.
I think using numbers from 1 to 5 for the answers is better than using yes or no.
Yes but this is for single sound not all sounds.
What i mean is preload all sounds and master volume all sounds.
I hope Ashley add this to the new releases.
Upload a capx and i will look at the problem.
Where can i find these option's.
Make this event :
When player die ------- Player spawn particle on image point 0
Good points, thank's alot.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
The scene is awesome...
And making this with the free version is inspire.
Any help...
8.75 Rating for indie game is awesome, i hope my game get this rate.
Hi everyone
my game is almost finish, and i want a list of questions to ask the game tester's.
I searched the web trying to find any list of questions, but i didn't get any.
Anyone have information on this issue, will help me alot.
Best regards
You have used 2 platform behavior - one for the player and the other for the playerimage : you don't need this the playerimage is only a skin, you only need the behavior for the player.
And i fixed another bugs like the : 2 pin behavior you only need one, and the playerimage collisions points, and move the bound layout to the player.
I think if you add pickups in the canvas so player can get more lives will be great.
Member since 2 May, 2014