You don't need Global Variable to play random sounds
Use the 'Play (by name)' action in the Audio object and use an expression like this:
choose("sound1", "sound2", "sound3")
This for the zoom out:
Every tic ------ lerp(layoutscale, 0.6, 1*dt)
Zoom in:
every tic ---------- lerp(layoutscale, 0.9, 1*dt)
1- Preload all sounds will be great.
2- Rise all volume by x db and reduce all volume by x db will be awesome, and help you when making your main menu options.
Do you mean Zoom in?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
This thread have exactly what you want :
Search for title, because i can't post links:
"Smooth layout scale?"
This is great.
There always many ways to solve the problems.
You can destroy the buttons on start of the layout.
And when the player die, make an event that create the buttons on the middle of the screen.
I'm sorry i can't open your capx, there are plugin that i don't have.
You need to change the layout scale to zoom the screen.
on start of layout ------ system - layout scale set to 1.5 (for example).
Hello all
I'm Abdullah Nasser
My game almost finish and it will be free for all
I know about the preload option, but it take a single sound not all sounds.
I don't understand why no option like this in the audio plugin, if i had 40 sounds in my game it's better to preload all sounds when the player watching the loge or on the menu screen...
Member since 2 May, 2014