I just emailed your from your Yahoo email but just in cade I wanted to write here also.
I just saw your revmob plugin in Scirra Forum and I am planning to purchase it. Is this a plugin for Construct2 and also will it work with Intel XDK?
Because normally I don't use Phonegap but I use Intel XDK my basic procedure goes as follows;
1- I add admob plugin inside Construct2 and arrange banner ads and full screen ads.
2-Export it as Android Crosswalk.
3-Create a project in Intel XDK, import the Construct2 exported project inside Intel XDK.
4-Add Admob plugin as 3rd party plugin.
5-Then build the game.
Will Cordova plugin for phonegap work in a similar way as above. I mean will I be able to export my game as Android Crosswalk and build it inside Intel XDK and implement Revmob plugin. I already have an acccount at Revmob.
I really would like to use Revmob for my future games and I really would appreciate your guidance and help. If it will work I will definetely buy right away.
Kind Regards