I have a player sprite with all its animations at 126 x 64, however, a lot of the animations dont need that much space. When cropping my player sprite it measures at 11 x 18 or 13 x 18. I guess what im trying to say here is, do I set my collisions on all my animations by hand with the sprites at 126 x 64, or do I try and crop out the sprites with a standard size on all the animations so that the origin point on all my sprites stay the same. I know a lot of this isn't structured well so I left screenshots of what I mean, My goal is to have all my animations working with a set Origin. I've tried setting the origin point at the bottom of my player, the corner, and center but every time I do this the animation becomes blurry or looks like its skipping frames. Again sorry for not having a more clear description of what exactly my issue is, please ask me any questions im open to any suggestion.
The automatic crop out is somewhat of an issue but when I import the sprite and automatically crop it out the preview shows the sprite working well, my problems start when I wanna set a specific origin. If I dont have to set an origin for the whole animation for everything to work when playing which I doubt, that'd would be nice.
The images above represent the 126 x 64 version which is the uncut version of the sprite but as you can see the collision boxes are all 126 x 64 so I dont know if I should take my time and set the collision box for all animations, and then there's the issue with the origin point where im not sure if I should leave it where it is or have it set to the bottom or to a corner.