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  • For the game I wish to create I have already created various formulas. For example this is my formula for calculating the damage dealt in battle.

    All of my formulas work as I want them to in Excel, however I'm not sure if Construct has the necessary functions in place to be able to create this kind of battle system.

    Some of my formulas get... Interesting.

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  • First of all, hello! :)

    At the moment I am playing around with Construct to see if I might be able to use it for what I'm trying to do.

    I want to make a Pokémon style game and so while I'm messing around with things I am... Using Pokémon's assets (because I have none of my own).

    So, what I want to do is make it so that when the player comes in to contact with one of the doors the game moves to the relevant map.

    At the moment I am trying to work things out and I think... To begin with I need to create each house individually as I don't seem to be able to create multiple collision polygons in a single image.

    But then, I can't work out what the best function to cause the transition would be. Should I make it so that a door is also an individual object and then make it so that the transition happens when the player collides with a door, or is it possible to have the trigger being when the player reaches x co-ordinate on the background?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated, however as I'm completely new to this the more simply you can put things the better! Although I did finish the tutorial, that is for a completely different kind of game to what I want to make and I can't seem to find any relevant tutorials for this... (If you do know of any that would help, please let me know)

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Member since 28 Jun, 2020

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