gustavoChico's Recent Forum Activity

  • I'll try and put this in the simplest way I can, I really don't want to waste your time!


    Today we got our first enforced update since we started using Github, and that has caused some problems. Enforced updates are great in general, but for those using the official desktop client (required for Github) we can't go to a specific version, unlike in the browser. Would adding a "don't enforce updates" setting be too much to ask? Or any equivalent of going to a specific version url, like in the web version. I've made two mockups of possible solutions, I hope they're useful in any way.

    Thank you very much, I've been a loyal customer since Construct Classic and can't believe I'm using it professionally now, you guys do such an amazing job :)

  • Exactly! And how can I make sure that every member of the team is on the same version and no other enforced update will bring up corruptions again? With an advanced setting!

    That's all I'm asking for :)

    It's just like going to an specific version url, but in desktop! In which you currently can't do, and just gets autoupdated to a specific version even if you reinstall (something that isn't consistent across my team)

  • That's right! I feel you have finally recognised the problem to some extent :)

    If you enforce updates onto a whole team, then I'll have to manually make sure every change is from the correct version! And everything will break constantly.

    So do we agree that Construct 3 desktop needs some way so everyone can always stay on one version, just like going to editor .construct .net /r218 in the web version?

  • Updating Construct does affect source control.

    I thought asking for a simple checkbox for a very good reason (and evidence of it being a legitimate need due to a problem that happened today, no less, just after the enforced update happened) was enough. But here's an example...

    I've pinpointed the issue that arose today on our project (I repeat, no issues have ever happened since the beginning of the project whatsoever, until yesterday's first enforced update); a team member got updated to 225 and toyed around with new mesh distortion (awesome feature btw! thank you very much for it), then pushed the build along a big list of important changes to his branch.

    I then merged his branch with master, the version numbers were correctly set, and there were no conflicts as we follow strict guidelines.

    Then merged my own changes I had stashed on my branch from last weekend to master, and opened it to check that everything works using 218 (all my custom stuff that affects my branch is made to work up to this version) on the unofficial launcher (it's the only way of using this version right now, as using the official one autoaupdates every time).


    Turns out my changes altered the version number again, and my version of construct didn't recognise any of the new features. I then had to manually revert all the merges, find all of the other branch's changes that do not use new features and add them back individually, then update the whole project and fix any custom thing that's broken.

    I have another branch to merge that I suspect has changes made in an older version, so I have to check on that specific field inside the project json file before I even think of merging that one as well.

    Imagine this, but with 3 or 4 different versions at the same time. It's hell. And this is just day one, when the custom stuff goes outside my branch it's going to be even worse. I'm losing time and sanity, and I only want an advanced way to stop the enforced updates.

    Again, this is a desktop only issue, in web I could just tell everyone to use the 218 url, all I'm asking is for a replacement of that for the desktop version. I think that makes sense, right?

  • And what is the problem exactly?

    I say exactly what the problem is later in that exact paragraph:

    "I have to use the desktop c3 [in order to use github], and I can't use it if it keeps changing my team's c3 versions."

    FYI there were also stable releases in late April, June, August, September, and now November.

    This is the first time an update has been enforced to everyone since you made that post regarding, and encouraging the use of Github. So this is the first time this particular issue has arisen.

    I need to use a particular version of the desktop app in order to use github properly, and I can't just change the url like in the web version.

    All this happened yesterday, and since then I've got my first corruption ever since I started the project. It's not a coincidence, it's what happens when you use Construct with Github and different versions get in the way. It's what happened in my last project and it's the reason I'm now using the same version for everyone. When I keep it safe, I get literally no issues. The update enforcement is not letting me keep it safe.

    I just want an advanced option to stop the enforced updates, because it has destroyed my workflow.

    Edit: correction

  • routine stable release exactly as we've been doing for years and years

    I was first aware of your recommended way of using Github with c3 desktop back less than half a year ago (see image below), and this is the first obligatory update that has occured since then, so this is a brand new issue.

    In your original post you stated there was "a huge issue" in "c3 Desktop"

    Correct, there is an issue for those that are using C3 Desktop. And it's a big one. If I could use web c3 for github I would be delighted to do so (I could just use the version url), but that's not the case. I have to use the desktop c3, and I can't use it if it keeps changing my team's c3 versions.

    Please address this. I'm not asking you to fix all the bugs that come up from using Github, or add proper version control integration, I'm just asking for a hidden checkbox or a windows argument, please understand.

    Edit: I've added an image

  • I don't think it's fair to come here and tell us we shouldn't be making routine improvements to Construct

    I've never implied this, I've said several times over my posts why I'm staying in one version, and praised all the work you do.

    I'm stating I have a legitimate problem with you forcing updates without asking first because it's breaking my team's workflow, and I'm offering a solution that won't bring up any problems. My custom plugins break because they're made for that version in particular, and you updating every client without me being able to do anything but use an unofficial launcher, is exhausting. I'm happily paying for Construct 3, but this is draining my work hours.

    Github already brings up A LOT of issues by itself, you must have seen people frustrated by it before. And I don't care about these things! I'm careful enough and know how to solve them, but this also includes staying in the same version, and these forced updates are harming me very much. I've already got the project corrupted only one day after this has happened; merging a branch with a different version broke a lot of stuff. Please, add some way to turn off autoupdates, even if it's a windows argument I can add when starting Construct. I hope asking for consistency in the software I use profesionally isn't much to ask.

  • It isn't Construct's fault by itself, the issue arises when I have a project with different people, and each of them turn out to have a different version, because for some reason it got updated to some, but not to all.

    As long as we stayed in the same version, absolutely nothing bad happened, but as soon as different versions got involved, which happened in an older project of mine, everything became a mess. Different branches that when merged got the project corrupted, and I had to edit .json files everyday to make it work. I frequently use custom plugins I've written or modified, which get broken as well. That's why for the next big project I made sure to stay on the same version, no external third party stuff (which includes not using an unofficial desktop launcher), and this makes it impossible.

    Lots have given up from using Github, and it's not Construct's fault AT ALL! If you know what you're doing, and solve conflicts correctly, all of the issues can be solved, always. But forcing updates into my team is absolutely unnecesary.

    The only thing that was keeping me in was having a workflow where I could control in which version everyone is, until I'm ready to upgrade if it's necessary. I'm not going to abuse this in any way, as I love every feature you all add, and I've never reported a bug without making sure I was on the latest version. I'm not asking for a "skip version" button on start that would lead to people reporting the same bugs again and again, but an advanced option for cases like these. I hope it's more clear now, I'm trying my best to explain this.

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  • dop2000

    Yes, it still autoupdates. It's an internal issue. As I said before, the only solution I've found is through the unofficial launcher.

    An advanced option would solve this completely.

  • Yeah, I was talking about using Github with project folders. It’s a must have on a team project, and having different versions and other variables is an absolute nightmare of crashes, conflicts and corruptions. And I mean in general, even with simple projects. And I know Github integration isn’t your concern at all, but I’m just asking to have the ability to stop the software I pay for and use daily from breaking my workflow.

    I completely agree with your last point, a “skip update” button is 100% out of the table, but an advanced and hidden option that would let you opt out of obligatory updates should be a must-have specially for those that know what they’re doing and just want everyone to stay in the same version to have some control until we’re all ready to update. Working with branches, different plugins and modular parts of a project makes this super hard. I hope I got my point across, because this is a deal breaker for me in the future, and I LOVE this software!

  • I completely understand your point!

    But updates did give me headaches more often than not.

    This might be specific for the desktop app, but when I've experienced consistent crashes, corruptions, and many other shenanigans while switching versions, specially while working with other people, just sending files over and back.

    But most of all, Github. I can't stress enough how badly it behaves when you add different versions and plugins into the mix. I'm glad I decided to go with 100% vanilla r218 C3 for a big commercial project, because on other cases I've had to deal with surprises weekly, sometimes daily.

    You can discard the rest of this post if you want, but Github alone is a great reason to remove obligatory updates, and I think we can agree on that. It works BEAUTIFULLY when it all stays as it is during development, and I'd love for it to keep it that way if it's not too much to ask :) Just a button that lets me skip updates or a checkbox in advanced settings would be enough.

    Thank you so much for replying, Ashley, your software is incredilbly powerful, and I've only discovered it's full potential after finishing a few projects with other people over Github.

  • gustavoChico Try this launcher, you can run any version you want.

    I tried both launchers before posting any of this, same result.

    A workaround Andre gave me was "I flipped through custom again, chose beta and launched and now it did launch me into the correct version. The "do you want to update to latest version" prompt came up but I chose "not now" and it didn't update."

    That works, but I'm not a fan of third party stuff, and I think this is a legitimate issue. I'd like to know the reasoning behind forcing an update on a random date, that's all. Another user reported this isn't the first time this has happened. I woke up this morning to find my plugin list empty, and an update I legitimately didn't want and scared the crap out of me.

    I hope I'm not sounding too harsh here, Construct 3 is absolutely amazing, and this is the first time I've ever come across something to complain about. The devs do an absolutely incredible work.

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